SOUL // reset //

467 23 8


Just a cat stamp my sister gave me 🙂

the normal deal :



SEXUAL THEMES but no sexual intercourse or lemons / limes as much as I like to write them .



( I cant think of anymore if you think I missed something tell me pls)


Dream just sat and watched as Horror and
Error ate blissfully unaware of the others envies glances.

Blue's claims of being able to cook better was a bit true, as he made himself a full English Breakfast, with extra beans. But of course he had no one to share with and was just moping on why couldn't he have a cute glitch to accompany him for breakfast.

Dream sighed at his jelouse freind but he himself wasent doing any better. He was just eating a simple toast peices with peanut butter because he still can't find the jam even when he checked in the fridge twice already. Overall he looked like a sick kicked puppy that no one really paid attention too as the walked by the streets living a better life then him.

Dream sniffled at the thought and continued to eat his bread forcefully gulping it down.

Suddenly his phone buzzed to get his attention.

Ink sent him a voice message.

Oh god. Dream mentally prepared himself for whatever ink wanted at this time.

"Heeeeeeeey Dreamy-weany-kinky-dinky-binky-sinky can you set up a meeting real quick. PLEASE 404 IS BREATHING DOWN MY NECK AND HE LOOKES LIKE HE WANTS TO BREAK SOMETHING, anyways, bring the first aid kit, Nightmare, his kids, and little Erry pweetty pwease we need to talk to them."

Dreams first thought was if ink really just called him kinky and if he could block his number. Ink is the reason why he made many mistakes in his 500 years of living and this call kinda sums up how. Huffing Dream mentally prepared himself for what might happen in this meeting.

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Cross jumped as a loud thump was echoed at the meeting table.

404 was standing tall as he looked at everyone like the were a bunch of cockroaches.

Honestly cross regretted coming at this point. The guilt he felt each passing day was suffocating him slowley, and he hated it. He knew what he did was bad, but the pain of knowing you caused the suicide of someone you loved hurt the most.

His senses where alert when he saw Error walk in the meeting room. But what really caught his attention was that he and horror were holding hands.

Since when could HE do that?! What did horror do to deserve that! From what he remmebers Error didn't like to be touched a lot right?!

Jelousy spurred right threw his chest as he stared. ' one day ' he thought, his eyes squinting.

Error 404 cleared his throat as soon as Error sat down. He didn't even wait for Dream and Blue to sit he just started without them.

404 head turned to Error.

" Error today you will pick a sire. Right now I invited less sanses then there were yesterday so you have less to worry about. I used natural selection and picked out all the really ugly ones for you as well as keeping some powerful ones. Choose wisely I don't want my grandso- your child to come out wrong." Error 404 said rushing the last part of his sentence.

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