// Continuation From Chapter 9 of "The Outsiders" //

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Ponyboy P.O.V.

We rush into the hospital, ignoring the looks that we were given.

Too late, too late, too late

A voice in my head tells me as I panic at the sight of the doctor.

It's too late...he's already dead...

I blink back tears as we demand to see Johnny.

"Please doc! We gotta see him! He's our best friend!" I exclaim as Dally takes out Two-Bit's switchblade.

"Whoa there. I'll let you boys in. Only because you two are friends of his, not because of the knife," the doctor says as I nod, Dally putting it back into his pocket.

"Only one rule: don't get him too excited. He's still recovering from his injuries and we can't have ya fellas overworking hi-" we cut the doctor off as we dash into the room.

"Pony...boy...?" Johnny mutters as he opens his eyes at the sound of running.

"Johnny! You're alright!" I exclaim, sobbing as I kneel beside him to be the same height.

"You're alright," I sob as Dally moves the hair outta his eyes.

"Always gotta be the hero, huh Johnny?" Dally mutters as he lightly strokes the other's hair; sitting next to him.

"Guess so," Johnny sniffs as I hold his hand; it was full of life and not cold.

"You're gonna be alright Johnnycake," I whisper, sobs dying down as the other nods.

"The rumble...what happened?" He asks softly as Dally continues stroking the other's hair soothingly.

"We won, Johnny. We won. The Socs lost," I say, wiping the tears from my eyes as he frowns.

"Fightin's no good, Ponyboy," he says as I shake my head.

"But we won-"

"But you got hurt...I...I can see your bruises and cuts from here," he says slowly as Dally butts in.

"So what? Fightin's the only way, Johnny. Without it, you'll become soft and helpless. Look where it gotchu," he says sternly as Johnny sighs.

"I know, Dally, but those kid-"

"Those kids meant nothing, Johnny! Don't you understand?! We could've lost you!" Dally continues his lecture with a string of cusses - you could tell he was frustrated.

"Why'd you have to save them, Johnnycake? They weren't worth it! You'll be paralyzed your whole life!"

Johnny simply shakes his head.

"It was worth it...to save them.." he starts, clearing his throat.

"I was helpful for once, Dally. I had a purpose."

Tears spring to both boy's eyes as Dally sighs, pulling his hand back.

"You sure know how to give us a scare, Johnnycake," Dally sighs as he stands up, ruffling the bedridden boy's hair.

"Come on, Pony. Best be goin'. The gang'll want to know where we at," Dally says as I shake my head.

"Just a few more minutes, I don't ever wanna leave Johnny ever again," I say, looking at my best pal.

Dally sighs.

"Alright, but after that we ought to go. Darry and Soda'll be worried sick," he says, pulling up a chair as I nod.

"You feelin' better Johnnycake?" I ask as he nods slowly; the more I looked at him, the more it looked like he was in pain with every movement or word that was spoken.

"Don'tcha worry 'bout nuttin'. We gotcha now and we ain't ever lettin' go," I say, and I know I'll keep that promise forever.


Dally and Johnny's death rewrite (spoiler alert, they don't die)Where stories live. Discover now