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The moon shone in the midnight sky, In the grey but bustling village stood two figures that stood out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd of people whom avoided them and would whisper behind their back.

The mother, whom is around her 30's. Her black long hair flowed quietly in the wind. Wore a grey floral dress that were long enough to cover her legs, she wore a façade every time she gone out. Even thought the village would shun her and her daughter.

Her daughter, age eight. Looks exactly like her own mother, holding onto her mother's pale hand as they walked along the crowd. In her other hand holds a doll made out of straw and lead, personally gifted by her own mother. Keeping their heads down. Hoping that no one would shun then again.

The mother has an impulse disorder, meaning that she would break things without thinking before hand, the village caught onto this and shunned both the mother and her daughter. Some of the village children would bully both mother and daughter because of their problems.

They considered them insane.


Not until the daughter had a sudden encounter with a sickly young child. While she ran away from some village children who were throwing rocks at her. She managed to slip away from them into the dark forest. She ran and ran, her legs were screaming and hurting but she did not stop. When she finally got out of the woods, a deep blue lake stood in the middle of the dark forest. She awed in amazement.

She walked to the lake in curiosity, crouching down to her knees and obverse the fishes whom where swimming around in the lake, making little ripples in the water. She stared wide-eyed at her own reflection in the water.

The daughter got nervous thinking that the village children might have followed her here, she looked around, scared. Only to find a sickly young boy sitting and looking at the water as well. She was confused, it didn't looked like the children that were chasing her. No. This s different.

Small, confused, pale figure. His black wavy hair blocks his face so she couldn't see his face. He was wearing a blacked kimono, he is probably a noble child. He looked sick, terribly sick. He looked like he was on the verge of fainting.

She decided to approach him, and with each step she took she felt more nervous than ever. Eventually, the boy noticed her walking towards him.

"Hello." She calmly said while bowing slightly, trying not to scare the boy.

"...Hello-" he nodded back before a cough came, wracking his body. With the sound, the girl because worried for him. Coming to his side.

"Hey-!" she exclaimed, "Are you okay?!"

He nodded, crossing his arms and shivering. "I-I'm fine." he said, pausing for a moment, "Um- my name is Kibutsuji Muzan.."

She looked at him for a moment, she felt like she heard that name before. But she didn't want to push any further. "Then, my name is Masashige Hiachi. "She slightly bowed again, "Nice to meet you! Kibutsuji!" A wide smile was on her face.

Muzan then noticed the doll that Hiachi was holding, he asked her about it. "Oh? This doll is my first friend, Shaku!" she exclaimed, "And now, you're my second friend!" Muzan's lips curved up into a small smile.

And their friendship soon bloomed from there, they visited the mysterious lake every single night, it just looked so beautiful during nighttime when the moon shone onto the lake. They would make a little too many flower crowns and observe the fishes in the lake. Both would someone pretend play with Shaku too.

"You know," Hiachi started, casually moving the doll arms "If I ever disappear, muzan." The boy looked at her with a titled head," Then, I entrust Shaku to you!" She cheered. Muzan hummed in agreement, as they both continued to play in the woods.

Then, the land began to shake and quake right underneath their feet, both kids are scared and worried. Not knowing what to do. Hiachi, still ahold of Shaku, "Muzan!" She shouted "Take the doll! We will meet somewhere safe." She exclaimed before running deeper into the woods.

"Hiachi-" Muzan fell onto his knees, the doll fell out of his hand. As the land kept shaking, "Hiachi!" He shouted her name multiple times, as if she was going to appear Infront of him. He felt hot tears on the verge of spilling out.


Meanwhile, Hiachi was running faster than ever. She ran, and ran, ran, until she slipped through a crack. Her vision was invaded by black spots and blur, as she slips into unconscious.

When Hiachi woke up, the world was bathed in pink and red, for once, she wished she stayed in bed today, but then again. She didn't want her new friend to worry about her.

The cave was bigger than any habitual cave, there was a big Sakura tree amidst the sea of other Sakura trees.

The tree in the middle of the cave, was immersed in black chains and paper charms. Suddenly, a tall black figure came out behind the tree, Hiachi looked in awe, astonished by looking at the figure's beauty.

"Who..are you?" Hiachi asked out of pure curiosity.

"I have no name." The figure replied, the booming sound shook the realm.

"Then, your name will be Sama!" Hiachi smiled, "because you look just as beautiful like my mama."

Hiachi and Sama spent all their time in the real, together, Hiachi didn't noticed the amount of time passing by. One day, Sama looked distraught.

"What's wrong Sama?"

"My dearest Hiachi..we are family, are we not?" Sama said, Hiachi nodded on agreement. "Can you do me a favor, Hiachi?"

"What flavor?" Hiachi exclaimed while she stood up with Sama, as they both observed the paper charms on the tree.

"My dearest Hiachi." Sama started, "Can you please take the paper off the tree so we can move around freely...? I promise you eternal joy.."

Hiachi nodded, taking the paper off bit by bit, without knowing to what she agreed to. Kintoru laughed menacingly as the girl fell onto her knees, her vision blurred again, before it became dark as her body lay lifeless on the grass.

𝙴𝚍𝚘 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝(𝚜)

🥀 - Muzan's worries about his friend Hiachi faded away as he grew. But he still misses her company.

🥀 - Futaomote soon got possessed after Hiachi got possessed.

🥀 - there will be another descendent appear in the next chapter, it will be a special one.

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