The Party

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The party started like any normal high school party would with loud music, loud people, and lots of beer. Now dont get me wrong I DONT drink but I also dont go out much. So anyway the party was at Kyle Daytons house and only people who he thought were cool got to come so I was surprised when I got an invite to the party but because I can't handle these things without help. I HAD to go and copy my invite so that my friend Melody Renee Luna Hearts could come with me.

"Are you sure I was invited?" Melody asked me frowning. "Cause I'm pretty sure I wasn't ."

I look at her annoyed that she would even ask when I was doing this awesome thing for her. "Yes you were invited. Why wouldn't you be? You are like the prettiest girl at school and im the second prettiest so we were invited so just enjoy this okay......and make sure you keep your invitation with you at all times just in case." 

"Okay........ This is awesome!!" she responded.

"Yeah I hope nothing happens" I say knowing that she will understand.

"I don't think you need to worry besides what if your powers kick in while you are talking to Kyle? Wouldn't that be awesome?" she asked.

I laugh because I know that could happen. You see I have a special power because I am a half-breed Vampire/Lycan mix and my power is that I can make people..... "love" each other. Sometimes it is helpful but most of the time it isn't.  "Yeah that would be cool. lets listen to some tunes hmm?" I turn on my car CD player and its my Sleeping With Sirens CD.

"Good choice. I love this song. Why do I get the feeling that they are Vamps?"

"Because they are Mel. They are from moms side of the family. I've met them a couple times and they are legit." I smile. "They even performed for me on my birthday."

"OMG!! That is awesome!!" She yelled. "Could you ask them to play at my party?"

"Haha ok sure I will ask as the princess for you. But you owe me."

"That is totally fine with me." She replied.

Did I mention that I am also the princess of both the Vampire AND the Werewolf populations? Yeah I don't like it either. It puts a damper on things when I go to family gatherings bacause my dad is always the only wolf at moms parties and vice versa. But anyways Kyle Dayton is the hottest human I have ever met considering Tayler Lautner was a Werewolf (nobody other than us wolves knew that the Twilight story actually happened resulting in me but whatever.) I was on High Alert today because my dad had heard that some Rogue wolves were going to crash the party and I was to inform my dad if I saw them but if I did see them odds are they would smell me first and go balistic over my scent which I have been told is pretty awesome, so it went without saying that this party would be eventful. Plus its not like my wolf was like any of the other wolves in any other Pack in the world. I mean it was freaking blue!! I'm not talking the kind of blue where it is so black that it looked blue I mean my fur was Electric Blue and my hair is naturally blue just like my fur so.... I stood out. My family thinks that the reason that my fur is the color that it is was due to the fact that I was half Vampire and that caused a color confusion during my genetic synthesis or something.... Whatever my hair is awesome and everyone at school agreed so I don't have a problem with the girls at school who are jealous. They just want my naturally long blue hair so whatever. Ding-a-ling!! My phone went off.

"Who is that?" Mel asked.

"Its Kyle." I say with a smile.

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