The start of our crazy new life.

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We didnt go directly home because we had to set up a deal with the people from the moving truck company to have them move Sebastians things to my house. It wasn't very much but we didn't feel like doing it, plus some of his stuff is really freaking heavy! My family gave me the entire top floor of the family mansion as my living quarters and so I turned it into an apartment, kinda. There is a kitchen, multiple bedrooms, three full bathrooms, and a huge entertainment room. We were able to fit all of Sebastians things into our shared room but I told him that all of his videogames and movies belonged with the entertainment room.

"But how will we cuddle right before bed?" He asked me.

"You can pick a movie to bring into our room and then in the morning you can bring it back to where it belongs." I explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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