Chapter 1: New Friend

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Tommy was always told if you see someone who isn't an Avian, kill them. No room for weakness or error cause if you hesitated you would die. Tommy had been lucky enough to not bump into anyone outside the territory or he was.

The boy in front of him looked around his age and was wearing a striped shirt. Tommy thought he found a friend, the thought quickly leaving once he saw the pitch black antennas and the vibrating bee wings that were keeping him afloat. If you asked Tommy if he was scared in this moment he would yell at you that he was a big man that couldn't be scared but right now Tommy feared for his life.

From what the leaders told him Bees could sting you from their hands and were fast flyers (not as fast as Elytians but to Avains they were fast) Tommy moved into a defensive stance he was not going to be the one to die today. "Stay back!" Tommy hissed through his teeth trying to look scary, to he amazement the bee just smiled at him and sat down Tommy was confused to say the least. He kept his guard up not sure if this was a trick.

The bee laughed "dude chill I don't sting" he said as Tommy slowly lowered his stance. "What?" Tommy said in confusion, this made the bee laugh again. "I said I don't sting I'm not gonna hurt you" The bee stood up and outstretched his hand, Tommy immediately moved back when the bee didn't do anything Tommy carefully took his hand doing his best to avoid the stinger gland.

"Tubbo Underscore nice to meet you" (I couldn't find a bee pun for this ;-;) He said shacking his hand.

"Tommy Innit..." Tommy said weary but mostly confused. "Nice to meet you Tommy! What's your origin?" Tubbo said as he sat back down Tommy slowly following. "I'm an Avian..." Tommy said slowly "Really that's awesome I'm a bee! Tubbo said as he made a little happy buzz.

Tommy decided to stop that dancing around cause he wanted answers "why the fuck aren't you attacking me?!" Tommy blurted out. Tubbo just smiled and said "I have no reason to" Didn't have a reason to they were enemies they weren't supposed to be kind to each other.....right?

Tubbo explained that he never wanted to fight anyone and he just wanted a friend. Tommy frowned at that the bees were supposed to be merciless killers who never the of peace but this small one just asked for a friend? Maybe the things he had been taught were wrong.

Tommy and Tubbo talked for a bit learning about each other turns out they had a lot in common. They were both outcasts for their unnatural views and they both thought this war was plain stupid.

Tommy went home that day happy he and Tubbo planed to meet their daily to chat and have fun. Tommy came back into town with a smile on his face course no one really cared. Once inside his father (a general in the war) asked what had him so happy. "Oh uh I made a friend" Tommy said choosing his words carefully. His father was a strong individual you had won ever battle he had ever fought in. He wasn't much different towards his son, he always kept a firm grip on him.

He didn't ask to many question just asked if they were strong enough to help him get better at fighting. Before shooing him off to his room.

A/N Pog new story based off of the Origins smp! They're not many of theses so here Origin smp lovers hope you enjoy my book.

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