Chapter 2: Bench Trio!!!!!

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(Tubbo's Pov: first person)

I was happy to have made another friend I wonder if Boo would like him he seemed a bit wary of me at first but that makes sense we are at war with each other's tribes. I flew to my hive my wings giving off a small buzzing noise as I hovered above the ground. I landed on the edge of the forest and walked into the sheltered clearing.

The Hive was something different than a normal shelter. It was a large clearing cased in honeycomb-shaped walls, it looked like a massive bee hive dome. Speaking of bee hives everyone lived in the honeycomb walls the comb separating the houses from each other. The clearing was meant to be a place of sanctuary after the war started most of the bee tribe lost their homes including their Queen so everyone came here and built The Hive.

(third person)

Tubbo knew he was breaking the rules by making friends with the neighboring tribes. But he thought if he could make friends with the other tribes maybe the fighting would stop. This was a silly plan but it was his only hope right now.

Bee's are not allowed to fly in the hive unless it's an emergency or they are of high status. Tubbo was one of the Queen's nephews so he got to fly but normally he didn't, he didn't like the idea of being better than everyone else so most times he walked.

Course no matter how humbling he is and how hard he tries to act like the lower classes are equal to him they either think he's mocking them or he's just being rude. Tubbo didn't know why, but this is probably one of the reasons he looked for friends outside The Hive.

(Tommy's pov: third person)

Tommy and Tubbo continued to meet in secret and learned more about each others origins. Tubbo was a bubbly and cheerful person but he does have a weird liking for poisons which although a bit concerning was an interesting topic. Today he was heading to their meeting spot it had been a normal day so far.

Tommy walked into the clearing and saw Tubbo a smile appearing on his face "hey tubbs" he said as he moved to sit down. "hey Tommy" Tubbo said looking nervous "what's up big man your acting weird" Tubbo shifted his hands in his lap "I have someone I want you to meet" he said slowly coming to his feet. "Ran?" a tall black figure came out of the shadows and Tommy gasped "YO- WH- HE- HUH!!!" was all Tommy was able to sputter out. "T-Tubbo that's an Enderian an Enderian! how and when did you meet and befriend an Enderian!" Tommy said in complete shock. "I met him before I met you" Tubbo said like an Enderian isn't one of the most scariest origins to fight!

The Enderian was very tall and had red and green eyes that looked poggers as shit and was wearing a simple black suit with a dark purple cape flowing down his back. he looked very like royalty with the golden crown that rested on his head. Tommy felt intimated avoiding his eyes knowing Enderians hated being stared at.

"Hi I'm Ranboo" the Enderi- Ranboo said holding out a hand Tommy took it as a sign of no threat and shook it "Tommyinnit but everyone just calls me Tommy" He said putting on his confident persona, Tubbo chuckled from beside him.

The rest of the afternoon was spent making jokes and learning about their newest member of their secret meeting spot.

A/N: Chapter 2 everyone hope you all like it the bench trio has been formed!! who will they meet next?? see you next chapter! BYEEEE :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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