Chapter 1

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Flain is seen lying on the hard, solid white floor, seemingly unconscious. Flain fluttered his eyes open, and then he shielded his eyes from the brightness of the room he was in. He rose up from his lying position and looked around him, seeing nothing but miles of canceled cartoon characters.

Flain: What the..

Flain got on his feet and walked a few steps, taking in the strange surroundings that he somehow got himself into. Suddenly, the red mixel felt something collide with his feet. He looked down and saw a strange blue creature dozing off on the floor, with one icy claw on his blue stomach and another icy claw laying flat on the floor. Flain walked around the blue creature and looked at it in confusion.
Flain lightly pushed on the creature, but he hadn't awaken. He pushed on his side again, but he still hadn't awaken. Flain lifted the creature up and shook him, hoping he would wake up, but he still stayed asleep.

Flain: This is gonna take a while.

Flain put the blue creature down, but then he spotted a robot near the blue creature. It was gray with a red and black chest, boot-like feet, gray claws, and it had a huge lightbulb attached to its head. This, however, gave Flain an idea, as robots were usually easy to turn on, and perhaps Flain could get some information about the white void from the robot. Flain walked towards the robot, grabbed it, and searched for a switch or a button somewhere that could turn the robot on.
Suddenly, without the help of a button being pushed or a switch being flipped, the robot had already turned itself on and looked at Flain.

The robot: Greetings red, bird-like creature.

Flain: Uh, that's.. not my name.

The robot: Well, what would be your name if not "red, bird-like creature"?

Flain: Well, I.. don't know. I actually don't know my name.

The robot: Hm, a strange occurrence, but I can manage.

The robot, too, looked into its surroundings, but then it found the blue creature which was dozing off right behind his back. The robot looked at the blue creature in curiosity.

Flain: Hey, robot? Could you wake that blue guy up?

The robot: But for what reason should I wake him up?

Flain: ...I just want to know where the heck I am.

The robot: At that case, I suggest you back up five steps.

Flain backed away, and then a whirring sound was heard, which grew louder and slightly higher by the second. Robot Jones then fired a laser at the tip of the right ice claw of the blue creature, causing him to jolt up and yelp.

Blue creature: YOW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?

The robot: I was merely waking you from your slumber, and I only aimed my laser at the tip of your pincer so that you won't feel too much pain.

Blue creature: Well, I was having a nice dream!

Flain: Hey, hey, I'm really sorry that you're so upset, but I just wanted to know where I am.

The blue creature paused before getting up on his feet and looking at the robot and Flain.

The blue creature: It's a white void full of.. people.

Flain: ..Okay, that's.. not what I meant, but-.. okay, nevermind.

The three then paused, which later became an awkward silence.

Blue creature: ...You got a name around here?

Flain: Uh, no. I don't remember it.

Blue creature: ..Neither do I. Then again, do you know the robot next to you?

Flain looked at the robot, who was about to introduce himself until he paused himself as he realized he also did not know his name.

Flain: ...Wait, none of us know?

The blue creature: Nope.

The robot: No way, José.

Suddenly, two screams screaming over each other were heard for a half-second. One scream was very high-pitched and very short, the other was slightly lower pitched and lasted longer. The three toons looked around, but they couldn't find the source of the screams.

Slightly lower pitched voice: I HATE SCORPIONS!

The sentence from the voice sounded like it came from the left side of where the blue creature was originally sleeping. When the toons looked to the left side of where the blue creature was originally laying, they saw a frightened pink dog latching onto the yellow apron of a kindly old woman with an orange dress, white hair, and glasses. Next to the old woman, a very annoyed old man stood wearing a brown cap, a pastel yellow shirt, and green overalls. In front of the old couple and the pink dog, there was a gray, rocky creature with a giant right arm with a slightly smaller, shaking scorpion on his head who was just as scared as the pink dog.
The three toons walked towards the five, and decided to ask them about the situation, but then the dog immediately told them to get the scorpion away.

(A/N: Courage the Cowardly Dog meets Scorpi the Scaredy Scorpion bois!)

Old man: (to the pink dog) Yer a dog, yer s'posed to protect us from the scorpion!

Old woman: *looks towards the three toons* Ignore him. We found a huge scorpion and.. surprisingly, both it and the dog scared each other off.

Rocky creature: What scorpion?

Old woman: *looks towards the rocky creature* Why, it's a small desert creature who is very deadly due to its poisonous tail, but I have a feeling this scorpion isn't all that frightening.

Old man: *turns towards the old woman* What do I care? It's still a scorpion! *turns towards the dog* Come on, dog! Bite the scorpion or something! DON'T BE A USELESS DOG!

The old woman turned towards the old man and whacked him with a rolling pin, causing him to fall to the ground on his back.

Old woman: If there were an attic in here, you would deserve to be sleeping in it by now.

(Fun Fact: This sentence is a reference to an episode of Courage The Cowardly Dog called "Shadow of Courage".)

Flain paused before asking the old woman for her name, but not even she knew, and the old man then told Flain to stop flirting with the old woman.

Flain: Wait a minute, what the heck is flirting?

Old man: "What the heck is flirting?"? I thought everybody know the answer to that question! You dang birdie, you're making me look bad!

(Fun Fact: The end of the old man's sentence is a reference to the intro of Courage The Cowardly Dog.)

The blue creature: So what if he can't flirt? That's just fine!

Old man: Just get outta here already! I've had it with you blue whatchamacallit, you stupid red parrot thing, and you... robot kid!

The robot: I have done nothing to anger you like this. You do realize this right now, correct?

Old man: Shut your smarty mumbo-jumbo!

The old woman then hit the old man with her rolling pin again to punish him for being so rude.

Old woman: My apologies for that man, I do believe it might be time for you to go, except I don't think I see an exit around this place.

The blue creature: Wow, no kidding Sherlock. *crosses arms*

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