~5 years~

Harry was standing at the kitchen sink at 4 Privet Drive. His hands were in warm dish water and they were guiding a sponge over a large kitchen knife.

His life at Privet Drive wasn't happy. He was beaten, treated badly, stuck in a cupboard, the list goes on and on. So when he heard his name bellowed from behind him, he turned, knife in hand. He winced and waited for the hand to come down on him, but it never did.

Instead he heard a shriek and opened his eyes. Aunt Petunia's mouth was open and her eyes were wide.

He couldn't tell if it was because there was blood on her kitchen tiles or her husband was standing with 2 less fingers.

It was then that he made his first rules. As soon as Petunia had dragged Vernon out of the house, Harry climbed into his cupboard and pulled out an old, empty diary.

Harry's Rules
1. You can't count on anyone else to protect you.
2. Be wary of people.
3. Always expect more bad is coming.
4. Expect everyone's worst.

Harry closed the book.

~6 years~

Harry was sleeping as comfortably as he could in his cupboard, he felt that he was safe after the first...incident. Then he felt a dull pain in his stomach.

Vernon was standing over him with a hammer.

When he pulled his hand back for another hit, Harry grabbed the nearest thing, a broken picture frame, and launched it at him.

As soon as it passed over Vernon's shoulder, it began to glow yellow, then it changed course and hit him in the back of the head.

There was the sound of glass breaking and he slumped.

Petunia rushed downstairs to find Harry standing over her husband.

He demanded that she give him Dudley's second bedroom, and that she put three padlocks on the inside of the room, then give Harry the keys.

Of course, she complied, not wanting further harm to come to her husband.

The next day, Harry sat at the desk in his room and opened the diary.

5. When you have power, prepare for when you are powerless.
6. Never leave you welfare in someone else's hands.
7. Be practical.
8. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
9. Trust no one.
10. Under the right circumstances, people will always act to your benefit.
11. Know what could go wrong in every situation.

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