♡One Year Anniversary♡

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Harry x female reader smut

There will be (Y/n) in this story if you don't know what that means it means your name. Also art isn't mine, give the artists love and support.

You and harry have been dating for a year now, it's your one year anniversary, you and harry went out for dinner at a nice restaurant you ordered a cheese burger with sweet potatoe fries, well harry ordered a steak and a salad, well you guys where waiting you two talked about what your favorite movies are,what new movies you both been watching recently, you and harry where chatting and laughing alot about funny stuff. 10 minutes later the food arrived, You both start to eat your food.

A couple minutes later you where both finished eating, you and harry intertwine fingers together then interlocking both each others hands and then with you guys both walking up to go pay for your dinner you insisted that you would pay but Harry wasn't having it so he said he wanted to pay since it was your guy's one year anniversary and he wanted to make it special for you and he wanted to make us feel and be happy.

You peck harry on the lips, since Harry put his hair back in

a man bun you can see Harry's face become a darker shade of red.

You and Harry head to the car, you get in the front driver's seat put the key in the magnetion you turn the key until the car turns on, you put your foot on the brake pull the lever to reverse and then to drive being careful and watching where you where going you drove out, It was a 25 minute drive back to the house you, harry, Robin and Manny lived in, when you guys got home you drive into the garage and park the car. Harry grabs the keys and unlocks the door, you both walk inside to see that Robin and Manny where not in there chair's, you said: "Hmm Robin and Manny must have went to bed, ~hey Harry looks like we have time for each other ~♡, you said with a smirk".

Harry eyes widened a bit as a slight blush creeps back up on Harry's face along with a shy smile making it's way across his face.

You walk closer to him, then you kiss Harry on the lips he kisses back, he bites your lips asking for permission for you to open your mouth, you applied with opening your mouth to give Harry access.

Harry's tongue entered your opened mouth, his tongue and your tongue went explore each other's mouths, well also fighting for dominance, you intertwined your fingers threw his red locks of hair as you guy intensely kissed each other.

Harry's hands wonder down to your hips and then down to your ass, Harry squeezed your ass causing you to moan a little.

Harry noticed this, then he smirks, he goes down to your thighs and picks you up bridalstyle,you rap your legs around his hips as he lifted you up the stairs.

Harry goes to your room that you have been staying in, he twists the door knob and opens the door, harry walks into your room gently placing you on the bed, then Harry goes back to shut and lock the door.

Harry walks back to you, where you are sprawled out on the bed, Harry takes his shoes off and then he crawls over top of you, you and harry go back to roughly kissing each other, as you were kissing each other, Harry's hands wonder to your shirt and he started to unbutton your shirt, when he made it to the last button you stop him, he looks at you confused, you then have a mischievous smirk on your face as you push him to the other side of the bed Harry was now lying down on the bed, back faced down to the bed, you then crawl on to Harry and sit on his lap, you unbutton the last button on your shirt, you remove both of you arms from your shirt sleeves and throw your shirt somewhere randomly in the room, Harry tries to get up abit to touch you but you push him back down to lay back down on the bed, you then started to kiss Harry jawline down to his collar bone, you kiss and bite around their collar bone until you found Harry's sweet spot, you bite and lick at that spot leaving a visible dark mark and causing Harry to grunt and moan in pure pleasure, as you where doing that you undo Harry's tie, you grab both of his wrists and tie his wrists to the bed post using his tie.

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