♡~You're Boss's Love~♡

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Boss Harry x female assistant reader Smut

This story takes place in episode one and has some of the things and themes from episode one. Also this story has nothing to do with the first part.

You worked at Harry's company for awhile now, you where his assistant
In his office, you would do paperwork, work on documents on the computer or clean his office.

You secretly had a huge crush on Harry but you where to scare and shy to tell him, one you where to shy because he just looks so handsome and two you where to scard to tell him, for the fear of being rejected by Harry.

You had work today, so you bought two coffees and you brought your laptop, then you went up using the elevator.

when you made it you to the floor Harry's office was on, You started to walk the way to Harry's office.

Once you made it to his office, you knocked on Harry's office door, you heard foot steps approaching the office door from inside the room.

You heard the door knob turn and you saw the door swing opened, to reveal Harry in the office door way, in his nice business suit and how handsome he looks.

Harry said:"ah (Y/N) my favorite Assistant, you are finally here, how are you doing today my darling ~".

Your cheeks flush and your heart started beating because Harry called you darling.

You said: "I-I'm do- doing good and my day has been going well, also here you go Harry I brought you some coffee".

Hurry said:" thank you for the coffee, you didn't have to bring me anything you know".

You said: "It's no problem, I just thought you may have needed some coffee, since you could have may or may not have been tired".

Then you and Harry go to sit down, you go sit down you sit beside Harry's desk.

Then you two started to do paperwork You where distracted by doing your own paper work and writing down your own ideas until you heard a frustrated grunt, you look up to see that Harry's face held a annoyed expression.

You said: "Hey, um Harry I was wondering if you wanted some help with what you are having trouble with".

Harry looked at you for a moment, and then Harry said: "Yeah sure, I would like that".

You get up, grabbed your pencil, you then approached behind Harry and you leaned in close behind Harry, your chest rested against Harry's sholder well you look at the piece of paper he had on his desk that he was working on.

Harry's POV: "I feel (Y/N) behind me leaning on my shoulder, I feel her boobs on my upper shoulder".

"She was telling me what I was supposed to do, but I zoned out all I wanted to do was stare at (Y/N)'s beautiful face, the way her hair moves gracefully with her movements, (Y/N)'s out going kind personality and the way (Y/N) can make anyone smile or way she can bring up anyone even in a bad mood or if their experiencing anything horrible.

That's what I love about~ (Y/N), I want to tell her so badly how I feel about her and how much she brings my life meaning".

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