Meet cute

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To all who even opened this thank you!!! To all who continue reading SUPER thank you!! I look forward to ANY and ALL comments, which I read and respond to!! Anyways... happy reading!!!

 This is my literal baby, since I was 15 when i wrote it. I love you all no matter what, reader, commenter, voter. you're all the same to me.

Now on to the story....

I first saw her one night while I was walking my dog, Luna. It was late, after dinner, when my homework and my chores were all done.

Luna was anxiously whining to get out. I decided it might actually be nice to take a brisk walk; anyway, it was a beautiful night and I'm pretty sure I remember the stars and the moon shone especially bright that night.

I live only two blocks away from the ocean in Beaufort, North Carolina. As I was approaching the waterfront Luna started whining and tugging on the leash. I looked around, and seeing nothing but sand, ocean mist, water, and more sand and water I said, "Look Luna, nothing is there! Nothing!" She took my raising of my voice as a cue to start whining louder and tugging harder. "Damn dog." I muttered to myself.

But as we walked on further down the beach I saw a faint white figure weave in and out of the mist.

As we came closer I saw it was a girl who could be no older than sixteen. She was wearing what looked like an old white nightgown that rested just below her knees, with ruffles at the bottom. But the dress wasn't what was special; it was the girl in it. She looked quite like an angel, similarly featured to that of the porcelain doll collection my grandma keeps displayed in her guest bedroom. She had flawless porcelain skin and black ringlets of curls that fell gracefully around her shoulders. Though most of all; she had the deepest brown eyes.  So dark they almost camouflaged with the night.

She hadn't noticed the dog or me yet, and was dancing and twirling barefoot in the sand.

As I was in a trance watching this mesmerizing girl, Luna took this as an opportunity to break free. The leash slipped right out of my grasp and before I was snapped back into reality she was bounding full force at this unaware dancing girl. Luna didn't slow down as she approached her; but instead sped up and knocked the poor girl straight to the ground.

At first the girl went rigid with surprise, froze up, looked absolutely terrified. I tensed, ready to call Luna and flea.

But Luna had other ideas.

Her body was wriggling with excitement and she was licking the girl's hands like crazy. The girl looked completely serious as she studied this bizarre dog. I immediately thought she must hate dogs or be deathly allergic. But looking at the dog, her expression turned from seriousness to joy in a matter of seconds. Soon she was giggling at this dog's frantic attempt to get a complete stranger's attention. The next moment the girl was dying with laughter.

For a few moments she and Luna played. Eventually she got curious and wondered who this ecstatic dog's owner was. She looked up and saw me.

She stopped laughing, smiling, and I swear every muscle in her face tensed. She blushed and then turned and ran away. But then she turned back. And kneeled down in the sand, placing her fingers in it. As I watched her I realized she was writing something in the sand.

Her eyes fixed on me now; she stood up and backed away, gave me one last lingering look, and then and ran without looking back.

"Wait!" I called after her to no avail. I was confused and downright angry. Why did she run? I wasn't going to hurt her. Running was rude and insensitive, almost selfish in a way. She ran to protect herself from me, a stranger.

But I knew the real reason one runs. I know people are scared of the unknown, like she was of me. "Bye." I whispered to her even though no one was left to say goodbye to except my very own breath.

Note from the author

welcome! thank you for reading it means the world to me, more than you know. If you liked it consider giving a vote or if not i still love you the same <3333

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