My bunny

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Shigaraki POV: Mirko had just gotten back from a mission when she fell down flat on the floor. Of course I was worried but once I got to her she sat up and fell on me. My poor bunny was even crying. "Bunny what's wrong?" "Bad work!" "To much big girl stuff for daddy's baby?" "Mhm... Expects too much." "Yeah I know they do baby." I picked her up like a koala and carried her to our room. (Mirko's house) . I sat on the bed rocking my baby back and forth giving her a pacifier so she would calm down. It worked. She stopped crying and cuddled with me.  "Baby do you want my hoodie?" She nodded so I set her down and got my hoodie and her sleepy shorts. Miri sat up and lifted her arms wanting help, I put the hoodie on and decided on a diaper for her to she didn't fight me thankfully so I could finish. "Good job little one." I picked her back up Koala style and took her to the kitchen. "Milk or juice baby?" "Moo juicy!" "Okay silly." "No silly!" "Mhm sure." I filled her bottle up with milk and asked, "cold or hot?" "Warm pease! " I set it in the microwave and set the time 10 seconds, stirred then another 10 seconds shook and gave to my baby. "Hey but no going to sleep okay? It's too late for naps and too early for bed." "Wha bout bath?" "Yes cause then you'll want to sleep." I got out her toys and we built a castle with her blocks. I watched as she clapped her hands saying "yay we built tower! Yay!!! Goo job daddy!" "Aww thank you sweetie you did a great job too!" I said booping her nose to which she giggled. "I love you baby !" "Loves you daddy! "

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