One girl has a completely ordinary life, with completely ordinary friends, going to a completely ordinary school and living in a completely ordinary world. Until... she suddenly falls down a hole during a school trip, a hole that leads her to a cave. But don't expect the usual heroine that falls on her feet and gets out thanks to some powerful abilities: instead, she falls onto something soft, but manages to faint in any way. And she is brought back to her home thanks to her classmates' calls.
Once she got home, she thought humiliation would've been the worst memory from that experience, but what if I tell you she would have spent the next five years of her life closed in a special glass cage, studied by three thousand scientists from all over the world? What she doesn't know is, in fact, that she had fallen onto a rare type of fungi that somehow prevented her from dying, and she is now considered immortal. They don't give her food, drinks or nothing else, so that they can study how the fungi works. But even magic has a limit, and she's about to reach one and die soon, when one of the women that should keep an eye on her as guards, so that she does not escape, starts giving her strange looks.more: the two fall in love, tho the girl doesn't know WHY the guard is doing that at first, but eventually she manages to escape with her help. A million adventures happen and the two are separated for a long time, readers start to believe they weren't really in love. But when the girl finds out that the love of her life has been in prison for the past two years due to her escape, she starts a journey to save her, that will bring her to the extreme of her forces. Will she be able to save her? Will the fungi work for people that she loved as well as her?
random prompts
Sonstigesjust random prompts for those of you who actually have time and ability to write if you use them, credit me please :)