party part 1

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Moth and Noah walk into school, moth looks ahead of them seeing a boy grab ameries bag throwing it in the air while yelling

"bye map bitch!" As he ran away amerie stares for a second before... screaming?! Noah's head shoot up probably thinking someone had died as moth walks up to her patting her shoulder As the girl starts to pick up tampons that had been thrown all over the floor

Dusty walks up behind them kneeling down and begins to help the girl as moth feels arms wrap around her smiling she leans into the touch

"cool shirt" Dusty compliments ameries shirt as she smiles saying

"thanks" Spider scoff lightly rolling his eyes

"name 1 DZ deathro song" Spider says making Dusty and amerie look at him

"shut up spider" they say in unison as Noah laughs at the boy who quietly says

"oh.." putting his arm around his giggling girlfriend and walking off Noah jogging to catch up pushing spiders arm off her putting his instead running off dragging her along

"OI!" Spider yells after them

"FUCK OFF" Noah yells back with a laugh


Moth is walking with ant to there next class one of the only classes maria doesn't have with Noah,

"hey ant! Hey can we chat!" Both moth and ant look to see amerie running up to them and ant rolls his eyes

"You know how dustys got this thing on Friday night" amerie starts

"no chance you said Darren gave me a wristy" his voice gets quiet nearly whispering the last part

"they did didn't they?" Moth and amerie say in unison making ant elbow moth

"well yeah, but it's it's the same when you close your eyes" ant says with a laugh

"Is it tho?" Moth speaks tilting her head as ant rolls his eyes with a smile

"You really stuffed things up for me ams, my cousin told my aunty and she told my Grammy who put it on Facebook. Now my mum found out and she's making me go to church like three times more a week Beacuse of you" moth rubs to boys back in comfort looking at amerie who's face just read guilt

"Okay I am really really really really sorry but" amerie pauses for a second

"not selling me a slapband won't change any of that" She says begging ant with her eyes

"no but it might make me feel a little better" ant says with a big smile

"well that's not very Christian of you" amerie says crossing her arms as moth let out a laugh making ant elbow her once again her quietly apologising as ant sighs

"look, gonna have to talk to Spider ok?" Moth grabs ants arm walking off with him looking back to mouth an 'I'm sorry' to amerie as she simply smiles and nods


"We need to show you somtehing now" Darren said grabbing moths arm and pulling her away from the group of boys she was hanging with

"oh? Ok! Bye guys!" Quinni walked past Darren and moth grabbing Noah

"You two please" Noah's eyebrows shoot up as the girl pulls him along


"Oh my fuck" moth mumbles laying under the table beside Noah

"when did you find this?" Moth slides herself out asking the ginger girl

Spider & Moth :Spencer white x oc: (heartbreak high)Where stories live. Discover now