Incest map

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Maria hopped out of the car and jogged around getting to Noah's side as they walked into school together three girls walked past and maria recognised them as Amerie, Missy and Sasha, she didn't hate them they just didn't hang out much.

"MOTH!" She got very aggressively thrown out of her own thoughs as ant came darting up to her and Noah almost tackling maria into a hug, she laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, he had gotten bigger from the last time she saw him

"Look at you Mr muscles damn" ant started to flex dramatically as maria and Noah hyped him up, laughing the three walked over to where dusty and Spider where siting, spider started to jog after he saw her a smile broke on his face and he straightened up meeting her half way immediately pulling her into a hug closing his eyes as his face was buried in her hair, maria was the first to break the hug as she took his face in her hands pulling him down, there wasn't a huge high difference between the two but Spencer was tall enough to be able to rest his chin on her head

Spencer smiled pulling her into a kiss it was soft and loving before they heard gagging sounds coming from ant and Noah making maria roll her eyes

"hey moth how was your summer?" A voice broke threw the gagging nosies and she turned facing dusty smiling as he walked up to the two, smiling back maria let out her hand as he took it pulling her into his chest and patting her back as she did the same

"it was alright nothing to rage about" dusty and maria were childhood neighbours they wernt very close but cared for each other, they were alot like cousins while ant and Noah were like brothers

The gagging nocies continued as maria spun around

"shut the fuck up!" She yelled with a smile as the boys laughed finally stopping as Spider chuckled walking to her side wrapping one hand around her waist pulling her to his side looking up they started at each other both soft smiles on there faces.

"OI THERES A FULL BLOWN SEX MAP IN THE OLD STAIR WELL!" The moment was ruined by a yell and people rushing to the direction immediately Noah and moth made eye contact both menacing smiles on there faces before they both sprinted in the direction

"maybe this year's gonna be more interesting then I thought!" Moth laughed at Noah's statement as Spencer, ant and dusty followed behind them, getting to the stairs the group started to push threw the crowd of people Spider making sure to keep close to moth, getting to the front moth looked over the map hearing someone say

"what is the kids helpline" looking over she saw Darren they were good friends as she let out a chuckle she looked back finding her name

Fucked: Spider, noah
Dating: Spider

It was not a shook people thought Noah and maria slept together but ofc Noah was pissed

"I NEVER FUCKED MOTH WHAT THE FUCK!" Moth right away walked over to him as people started to back away scared he would start swingimg as he's done it before, she stood next to him shushing him as he fumed

"I'm gonna fucking kill whoever made this" his voice was low and series as Moth sighed as Noah stormed away saying he needed air, Moth turned to see Spider standing there looking at her she smiled softly at him and walked over taking his hands in hers

"Nothing happend. I promise you Noah is like my brother I only did that with you" Moth spoke softly as she stood close to Spider So he could hear sighing he wrapped his arm around her shoulder leading her out of the stair well

"I trust you" he whispered into maria's ear making her smile before leaning up and kissing him, walking ahead leaving Spencer smiling like an idiot catching himself He huffed

"Jesus she has me wrapped around her finger." Spider thought to himself letting out a small chuckle before catching up and sitting on a table with Moth, spider and Noah he seemed to have calmed down since before but definitely still angry, when Noah saw spider he walked over to him

"listen man nothing has ever happened between me and moth" his voice was genuine as spider patted his arm simply nodding as to show it was all good

The principal was heard over to speaker telling all year 11s to come into the hall, maria and ant both groan as they hop off the table

"You think it's someone in our year did it?" Moth asked walking between ant and spider Noah trailing behind

"they probably think it was spider" Noah piped up as Moth sent him a slight glare

"what! It's true!" Noah exclaimed putting his hands up in defence earning a evern harsher glare from his bestfriend and a scoff from spider

"yeah well I didn't and even if i did i wouldn't put Moth on it" spider kept his gaze infront, his hands in his pockets as Moth and ant both let out 'awwwes' making spider hit Moth on the arm and slap ant over the head with a small smile on his face as ant groaned and Moth let out a cackle.

Getting to the hall they all took there seats, Moth threw herself in the middle of the damn row making the boys have to sit there to as spider sat to her right, Noah to get left and ant sat next to Noah while dusty sat next to spider, they almost took up the whole row two seats being left next to ant and three next to dusty

Before the principal said anything the attention was right to the girl that had just walked in

"is that harper?" Missy was the first to say anything as everyone started to snicker to themselves

"pack it up eleven" that comment make Moth crack and she let out a laugh quickly covering her mouth as she snorted Noah right away started to laugh at the girl as well as ant and she yelled at them to shut up, it caught alot of attention looking ahead darren and quinni were infront of them darren a smug look of there face

"shut. it." Darren put there hands up in defence as quinn giggled, both turned back Moth elbowing Noah in the side making him groan

"your next when we're out of here" she lent backwards in order to see ant who gulped down a breath

Sighing maria looking over to dusty and Spider, dusty snickered earning a glare and a chuckle from the girl as spider was just smiling

"what?" She asked making spider looking away shrugging his shoulders

"nothing, it's just if I new you snorted I wouldn't have started dating you" he gave her a side eye and a smug smile

"oh you fuck" Moth hit is him the arm making him grab it dramatically faking hurt as moth laughed sarcastically putting everyones attention back to the front of the class

"I'm a woke women" the principal started, oh god was moths only thought

Spider & Moth :Spencer white x oc: (heartbreak high)Where stories live. Discover now