V0C4: Sister and Xiaohua

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Chapter 4 Sister and Xiaohua

The train racketing sounded marched forward.

In order to save money, I bought a hard seat after I bought it. From the hometown to the city where my sister lives, I need to sit for 19 hours. I have to lose a young and good health. The passengers who choose the hard seat like him are either people who can't buy other tickets. Either short-haul passengers, most of them are ruralers who work in cities.

After all, it was the first time I went out of the house. After I got on the bus and found my position, I sat still there, holding my bag, and for a long while, he took out a set of exercises and started doing it.

When others are eating, he is doing exercises, and when others are snoring, he changes a set of exercises to continue. Like an indefatigable robot, he seems to focus all his attention on the exercise book in his hand. When he picks up the next exercise from the duffel bag and finds that the one is full, he I realized that I had finished the winter vacation homework in just one day.

When the car was buzzing, Ji Huan finally stood up.

Going to the aisle where the carriage is connected to the carriage, he quietly looked out: the window was dark.

After the joy, she kept staring out the window until the twilight of the sky, the first sun rising from the bottom of the horizon, and then the sun rose back to the sky.

Before getting off the bus, he took a **** from the bag and used it to make pickles and hot water on the car. When the train stopped again, he would get off.

Squeezed in the middle of the crowd, following the flow of the waves, naturally passed the ticket gate, not like a country boy who first arrived in the big city, he did not have a little curiosity in the scene in front of him, careful control With various signs hanging above the station, he went straight to the taxi waiting area. After he got on the car, he reported the address directly to the hospital. Besides, he did not say nonsense with the driver, but watched the surrounding around with vigilance. Street sign.

"The next step is to take the South Road. How do you turn to Zhongshan Road?" Just as the driver decided to play the direction card to the right, the sound of the cold and cold sounded from the back seat.

The driver master stunned and tried to mix and smirk with a smirk: "Ha... Where can I? Construct a traffic jam on the South Road, I will wander around from the side, and then turn in at the next intersection."

He said that he looked back through the mirror and then looked at the eyes of the thick bangs at a glance. I didn't know what happened. I just dared to look at it again. The driver immediately took back his sight. . Then he heard the person behind him continue to speak:

"When you walk, you will be on the road. Since you have already turned to Zhongshan Road, go straight and turn right at the back of Sibei Street."

So the driver was completely convinced: "Oh, you are a local? The road is quite familiar!"

Local people? Of course it is impossible. He just passed all the road maps from the train station to his sister's hospital.

As a teenager who grew up in the countryside, this is the first time that Ji Huan left his hometown. He also came to the big city for the first time. Before he set off, he did a lot of investigations. He went to the Internet cafe for the first time. The person watching the film watching the film, the opening of the opening, only he is seriously using the function to query the road map, in the matter of visiting his sister, he saved his own fare, originally wanted to buy a ticket, but the ticket It's too expensive. Considering the cost of the follow-up, he finally bought the fastest train ticket, then sacrificed comfort, bought a hard seat ticket, and went to the hospital after getting off the bus. He also checked it from the train station. About 39 yuan to the hospital, he spent a night to put the map of the land on the homework, and then all back.

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