V0C7: Three Smiles

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Chapter 7 Three Smiles (*revised)

The woman was protected by her body before she died, and the man died on the spot. Unfortunately, his sacrifice did not change his girlfriend's survival, just two days later, the woman also died.

Like his girlfriend, the man has no father or mother, and he will die if he dies. It will not attract too many people's attention. But how can this man live now?

No... It's impossible to live, the man's death is very miserable, all the whole body is ruined, and the dead can't die anymore!

The man in black was frightened and found that he had been locked by the other party! Just when his companions wanted to abandon him and get out of the door, the man appeared in front of them at the moment they were about to touch the doorknob!

"Ghost... Ghost!" A scream in his mouth, the people in black completely softened their legs and sat on the cold floor of the morgue.

Then, they saw that the tattered man showed a smile. Under the gaze of everyone, his face suddenly split, and the body grew longer and longer, and the man finally became a monster beyond human imagination.


"...There was an explosion in the morgue of the hospital. Five men died in the incident." - The title appeared on the social page of the major newspapers the next day. It is not big, but it is fascinating: it is not a corpse. Is it? How come there are five big living people who have died inside? Are they staff members? If not, what are they doing in the morgue so late?

"The mega-organ smuggling case has finally broken!" - The third day of the title was sent out and another more eye-catching title took a bigger place in the social version.

When tracing the identity of the five victims, the police inadvertently discovered that one of them was an important suspect in the organ smuggling case that had not yet been solved! Followed by this clue, I finally pulled out a whole criminal group plus 13 unbreakable murders. The social version of the page was occupied by these cases all the time, pulling the source of this series of events instead. Forgotten by people.

However, this does indeed exceed the scope of police acceptance.

The news in the newspapers is always the thing that social managers want to be known by the public. Since there are "things that you want to be known", there are naturally "facts that you don't want to be known."

"It's the thing that the monster made, and the other party blew it up." The hospital mortuary, which was originally inaccessible, is now even more uninhabited. It is now in ruins.

Part of the reason for this is naturally an explosion, and another part of the reason is to cover up the traces of the magic, and the professional responsible for finishing the second blast. In order to make the cover work more perfect, there is still a group of people in the ruins who are busy in the ruins.

Two men in police uniforms are walking in the middle of the ruins to check the work that has been done. One of the men who just spoke. Just as they spoke, another young man ran from a distance with a player in his hand, and he reported to the two men with a serious look:

"Report! I recovered the camera records in the room. There were only five men who died in the explosion, and did not leave any images of the perpetrators..." Here he hesitated: "The five people The behavior is very strange, it looks like... damn..."

"Oh? Just give us the record, go on and continue with other things." One of the taller men smiled and said.

The young man gave a tribute and left the thing by handing it to them. Looking at his back, the man laughed again:

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