Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

I groaned sitting up still on the floor, I sighed seeing the arrow still in my side.
'Damn my sister must be high again..'
I coughed taking the arrow out of my side standing up wobbly, I put the arrow on my dad's desk while I patched up putting pressure on my wounds. I finished up as I went back into the office picking up the stand arrow going into my room, I shook my head holding it as it still hurt. I put the arrow ontop of my tallest shelf coughing again from some dust, I went out my room closing the door and locking it up. When I made it back in the office and sitting back on the couch going back to watch part 5. I made it all the way to the episode where they showed off Giorno's backstory, but it had.. changed?! I'm the scene he was biting his thumb while thunder struck in the background. A figure of a woman with wavy red hair got into the room through the window going over to Giorno and picking him up. I paused it not watching any more making me gasp
"Holy shit I'm a jojo character now"
I spoke softly as I laid down on the couch not being able to process so much information, I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Valentina"s POV

I sighed getting up again from the alley but it seemed different this time
'Most likely Italy'
I thought as I heard the sound of whipping and quiet whimpers, I walked out on the sidewalk and looked through a window seeing Young Giorno again but older now and being beaten by his scum bag stepfather. I got angry but waited til his stepfather left the room before enter through the window making Giorno turn to her backing up in a corner in fright, I frowned sadly as I walked over. He looked up at me and I saw in his eyes that his beautiful blue eyes sparkled in memories, only a moment later he got up wobbly hugging my leg
he muttered smiling now, I smiled picking him up only to frown seeing the marks made by his stepfather's belt. I placed him on the table with picture from Ms.Shinobana and his stepfather's wedding, I couldn't help but glare as I turned to Giorno with a gentle smile fetching a few first kit items from my purse beginning to patch him up.
"I'm Valentina.. I knew your Real Padre"
I smiled softly before continuing
"But you can call me what ever you want Gio"
I said softly before Giorno took my hand and asked
"Mama.. why call me Gioro?"
He said trying to pronounce the name I had referred to him as, I smiled  before speaking gentle
"Because, i believe it's a fitting much better than Haruno"
I told him kissing his head as she looked around seeing his stepfather count some money, i summoned my stand making her grab some food and bring it to them. I looked around not seeing a chair in the room, so I stood feeding Giorno slowly. I smiled as I saw him drift off to sleep when I finished feeding him, I got up from the wall and went to where I assumed was his room. It was quite small with a single bed, I put him in bed and tuck him in whispering
"I will see you soon"
I said as I kissed his head getting out of his room, I noticed his step dad wasn't in the room and smirked. I moved over stealing a few stacks that would be noticed, I shoved them in my purse before exiting through the window where I arrive, I black out again smiling my body hitting the concrete slowly disappearing without notice.

Mama Y/N (Vento aureo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now