Chapter 7

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(Yes I'm indeed skipping the leaky Luca scene, sorry man's too ugly to have a actual scene and the scene with Koichi since I find no need for it)

"Valentina"s POV

While waiting for the train to arrive, I leaned into a alley as I transformed myself into a older woman using my stand, I had a cane and looked like a elderly woman with gray hair into a loose bun. Hunched over with hazy hazel eyes, I was had a scarf wrapped around her hair and tied just below my chin. I had glass on and a quilt on my back keep me warm, I saw Giorno walk onto the train leaning me to follow. He sat down and I smiled a gentle smile before asking in a elderly voice,
"Young man, may I sit in the sit next to you?"
I asked pointing to the seat next to him with a curious look. I have taught him to respect his elders especially older woman so I do hope he took my lessons into consideration, he smiled at me gently.
"Of course Nonna"
He said in gently tone as he helped me into the seat making sure I was comfy, I smiled reaching into my purse pulling out a strawberry hard piece of candy holding it out for him.
"Would you like a piece of candy young man?"
He nodded softly taking the piece popping it into his mouth as the train started up, I noticed a coin roll to the end to the seat falling completely on the ground with a clink.
'Ah this is where it begins'
I though as I continue to hold a small smile while Bruno came down the aisle picking up the coin
"Is this either of yours? Signore, Nonna?"
He asked causing me to shake my head
"It's not"
Giorno said after I shook my head, I smile looking up at Bruno for a moment.
"I see, it's my lucky day"
Bruno said with a smile & chuckle as he sat down in the seat infront me,
"Tell me, if you were to find a bag, a bag with a Billion lire would you turn it in?"
He asked Giorno as I stayed slightly looking like i had dozed off, Giorno chuckled from beside me
"You're joking right? Finders keepers"
He said honestly causing Bruno to laugh
"At least you're honest, what if I was an undercover cop and I saw the whole thing?"
Bruno asked leading Giorno's eyes to widen, I lifted my head softly startling the two before Giorno answered bringing his leg onto the seat.
"Ah I see, then I'd let you mosey off with half to look the other way probably"
Giorno spike causing Bruno to laugh out loud pointing at him
"Now that's a spirit, you know I get the sense you really would. The expression on your face isn't one of a bluffing man, I can clearly see you're telling the truth I have a knack for telling if someone is lying. Have you ever noticed when the face begins to glisten is the first clue, what's  important is how the sweat's flavor"
He said smile putting his hands together before rubbing his cheek making me internally shiver, I guess he was speaking so freely since he probably believed I was hard of hearing or something he then licked his lips.
"May tell, who exactly are you?"
Giorno asked now a bit alarmed by the man's behavior, then Bruno got up got up
"Leaky eye Luca had his head bashed in by his own shovel and was conveniently found on the outskirts of the airport, he's critical and doesn't look like he'll ever come to. I've come here to hunt down the culprit so let's talk, no one has the slightest idea of why Luca was at the airport"
He said now sitting back down before continuing
"I talked with a officer at the airport and was told a young man call Giorno Giovanna was there, if it's too much trouble i though we could have a quick chat about the matter"
Bruno explained as he went back to the pose with his hands together while Giorno put his foot down back on the ground
"Chat huh? You a cop or what?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Luca wasn't any ordinary street punk. He was a mafioso and several people have reason to off him, he had a special knack for being hated. Problem is that's not how his boss is seeing the situation, a member of the familia has been slain and he's ordered me to find the perpetrator and sort out everything surrounding the mess. Make this easy and corporate, understand? Did you meet leaky eye Luca at the airport?"
Bruno spoke now with one hand on the wall and another hold Giorno left hand
"Leaky who? Never heard of him"
Giorno lied smoothly, I smiled as I softly took off my fake glass cleaning them as Bruno stared into Giorno's soul. As soon as the train stopped Bruno stopped as well as he said
"You're not conspiring, right then it's all I need you're in the clear sorry to bother you Giorno Giovanna"
Bruno said as he walked off the train, I transformed into my normal appearance since the my time limit was over scaring the Merda out of Giorno. I removed the scarf and the glasses smiling,
"Jeez that was such a tense situation"
I said sighing fixing up my hair and putting my hat on as i turn to him
"hun what's in your hand it looks like you're holding something"
I ask already knocking what's in side the grip, he looked confused opening his hand only to find Leaky eye Luca's eye. He freaked out almost dropping it but i caught it
i mumble softly
"What the hells going on?! And why was my fist clenched?!"
He asked as i examined the eyeball in my handkerchief
"You're looking at Luca right eye"
Bruno said from behind Giorno before turning to me who was examine the eye still
"M-Ms Valentina?!"
He asked startled making me turn to him and smile, he cleared his throat looking embarrassed seeing as he got distracted
"His right eye is not currently in use so I though I'd bring it along"
Bruno told Giorno licking his sweat off his cheek
"That's the distaste of a liar!"
He said before coming back in through the door
"Apologies I know I said we were done with questions but it seems the game has changed a bit"
He said walking in more, Giorno looked at me for help as I smiled innocently
"Now Hunny I told you about messing with the Mafia this is on you"
I said confirming I was not to help him
"I'll only help if it get too out of hand dear"
I spoke still holding the eye in my Handkerchief, I looked towards Bruno
"Mind if I take this Bruno? Or should I say little Bruno?" I asked smiling still holding the eyes ball causing him to nod
"Would you agree Giorno?"
Bruno asked him going back to the Leaky eye Luca case
"I now know you're a Liar but the question is why? Don't be shy amigo I'm really very interested hearing what you have to say"
Bruno told him tracing his finger again the upper rails as I shifted seats while Bruno brought down his point finger harshly against Giorno's cheek causing him to yelp in pain falling from his seat, in all honesty I did feel bad but I know this would purse the plot. Bruno turned to people watching as he smiled
"What's with you all? Jealous or something? I'll gladly get you in on this"
He told them making the people turn back to what they were doing  making Bruno turn to the golden boy
"You can call me Bruno Bucciarati, we have gone from questioning to Torture"
He told Giorno as fingers came from Giorno's mouth
"Geez I understand torture but that's disgusting"
I told Bruno now leaning over rubbing Giorno's back gently
"Ms.Valentina back away from Giorno Giovanna, he has to be tortured for his crimes"
Bruno told me making me sigh as he turned to Giorno
"Well what do you think? Terrifying trick dont you think?"
"Are those?!"
"There Luca's fingers, now for me to be truthful. Luca but the big one courtesy of our boss, he didn't see the use of keeping dead weight around"
Bruno informed kicking the fingers away as he kept talking while Giorno cover his mouth looking he was about to have a stroke in my opinion
"Oh and I'm not just a human lie detector, I have other tricks up my sleeve as you've already seen. As you can see it would be child's play to slid that extinguisher between your jaws, of course if I did you would be joining Luca in the after life"
Bruno chuckled while the zipper on Giorno's cheek opened up more
"Now talk!"
Bruno yelled hitting the side of Giorno's face that had the zipper
"You know exactly who attacked Luca, were you paid to keep quiet? Although it doesn't matter now since you'll tell be every you wanna know, you will tell me everything or the torture will intensify"
Bruno warned as the zipper on Giorno's face opened up more

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