The boy in the role of a girl

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(The title is a place holder until I can think of a good one)


anyways, a little a/n before I start, if you've seen my book about random LoS sh-t, just know, while I was gone, i made a few changes to the LoS, i will tell you them as the book continues with each character, Rubber band got the biggest change, instead of being a trans, he's a drag queen (nothing wrong with being trans, i just thought drag queen would suit rubber better)



"So, did you get the role?"

"No, they said i couldn't audition"

"Why not"

The boy pondered on for a bit then remembered...

Oh yeah

"They said i couldn't because it was a female role"

The girl got angry

"Why don't you try for the role?"

"No, you've been practicing for this role and you're better than anyone i've seen for this role!"

The boy thought a bit and left to his room, either to cry in a pillow or dress up drag queen style

she followed him to check, it was dress up

He was singing in his room wearing a beautiful puffy, blue and yellow dress with a puffy black long wig tied up into a high ponytail and had an overwhelming amount of makeup on his face, and he did look very nice.

"You think they'll let me audition know?"

"Well, they SHOULD, you look amazing!"

"Yeah, but they won't want to use my voice"

"Well then, whats editing for?"

"I guess your right..."

You should hurry, they're gonna close auditions soon!"
"You're right, i should go!"

They waved goodbye, the boy running while slightly stumbling over the hem of his dress.

There was no reason that they shouldn't pick him, he was amazing at acting and singing and multiple stunts, even in heels! They wouldn't even need a stunt double for him.

If only they saw his talents, once she saw him dancing and singing in his room using a hairbrush as a microphone. Another time she saw him put on an excessive amount of make up that looked very pretty

One way or another, he always found a way to snap back

Or atleast, thats what she thought

A few hours later, she heard crying. She followed the crying but was blocked of by one the producers

"Go to your room lady"


"Just go now"

"But someone is crying! I shouldn't just leave them there!"

A minute after arguing with someone that she really shouldnt have been arguing with, the crying stopped

"See, now go to your room"

She finally left to go to her room, hoping that the person crying was okay

she thought

And thought

And thought

And thought

She realized

That was _ _ _ _ _ crying

She was already in her room, sitting on her bed feeling terrible that she suggested him to try for the role again, even though he said that they didn't want him to play the main character.

She decided to sit on her small balcony of her room, 3rd floor of the whole production theater tower to get some fresh air

Until she saw a figure

They had a puffy dress and high ponyt- that was Chris, the one who acted so beautifully but still failed the role. The one that she urged to take the role of the main lead even though he already tried. The one that was crying because of her. She looked closer, scared for his life, not being able to get any words out. She wanted to yell and shout to him, but she couldn't. He was hanging on to something, it wasn't attached to anything, it had to small sharp-ish ends, one folded down as it was a shade of some kind of blue. She stared, watching him get farther and farther away, she still couldn't talk, she couldn't move, she stared with a terrified expression on her face but she still couldn't do anything. She cried, tears dripping down her face, falling on to the concrete balcony like raindrops falling in a puddle during spring showers. She felt like she was crying for hours until she passed out of tiredness.

The next morning got off the balcony as she went to the stage on the 2nd floor to talk to the producers

She walked in the room as one of the producers called to her

"Hey, Bella, do you know where Chris is? We need to talk to him"

She stared at him, tears staring up as pinpricks slowly rolling down, memories of the other night flowing back like a boat speeding down a rapid river.

With a single breat she said:

"He's gone because of you"


So like, i wrote this chapter during school, we had state testing the other two weeks ago and i tend to finish early so I had extra time to write this (I know wattpad is blocked on the school chromebooks but i wrote it on a doc and then copied and pasted onto wattpad using my iPad)

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