Chapter 1:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

The interview had ended not too long ago,they had been ushered back in the dressing room Build was still retouching his makeup and Barcode was busy playing his game. Mile and Apo had already left after the interview.

 Mile and Apo had already left after the interview

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"I'm about to head out. You don't need a ride do you P'Build?"Bible asked his co-star.

"Nope. My manager will pick me up,we'll drop Barcode off as well. Thanks N'Bible"Build said as he started fixing his hair.

"I need a ride"Jeff said as he slung his bag on his shoulder and looked at Bible.

"I need a ride"Jeff said as he slung his bag on his shoulder and looked at Bible

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"Okay, you ready then P'Jeff?"Bible asked Jeff.

"Yeah, all set. Shall we go?"Jeff asked, Bible nodded.

"We're going ahead P'Build, you guys take care"Bible said as he waved at Build and Barcode.

Build and Barcode waved back, Bible got his things and headed out with Jeff. Build sat beside Code and nudged him.

"Those two... you think there's something between them?"Build asked.

"Like what P'?" Code asked innocently.

"My innocent little Barcode, I mean like something going on between Bible and Jeff" Build restated.

"Hmm.. I don't think so. P'Bible is just being nice to his senior like how P'Jeff is nice to his nongs" Barcode answered.

"You think so? Because I sense sexual tension between them during the interview"Build said.

"S-sexual? What are you talking about P'Build?"Barcode stuttered,Build just chuckled.

Barcode is too damn innocent, Build decided not to press on with the issue. He didn't want to be the one to corrupt little Barcode's mind. Back to Bible and Jeff, they headed towards the parking lot and got into Bible's car.

"This is the first time I've ridden in your car, it's nice"Jeff said as he fastened his seatbelt.

"Thanks P'. I don't usually drive a lot"Bible said.

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