13. Complications

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Hinami: So soft.....

She reaches out, feeling his wings as Y/N looks at her.

Ryuoko: Y/N Um......*bow* I'm really sorry that my daughter's a bit curio-

Y/N: It's fine. My wing's are just......a bit tingly. But Ryuoko....

He suddenly jams a knuckle against her neck and her kagune pops out. Startled, her face turns bright red as Y/N feels her kagune up, curiously examining it along with Hinami.

Ryuoko: *red* Y-Y/N.....

Y/N: Oh...I was merely curious.

He lets go of her kagune that was still hanging out.

Y/N: So how's everyone?

Ryuoko: Doing well. Though......Rover may have visited at the wrong tell and well....
The others have been in the watchful eye of Aogiri Tree ever since.

Y/N: Hmmm...can't blame Rover though. He likes your daughter....especially when she gives him belly rubs with her kagune. But Rover understands now when to visit.

Hinami: He's nice....

Y/N: Hey.

Ryuoko: Yeah?

Y/N: Um how do I say this? Can you...stay calm?

Hinami: *confused* Wha-


She lets out a yelp as a cleaver was about to slice at her neck although Y/N materializes his Buster sword in time and blocks the blow. Surprised, the armored man backs up, not expecting the weapons to appear out of thin air as Y/N also materializes Soul Eater and his halo.

???: *tremble* Holy shit...he's like an angel!

???2: Is he a ghoul? His kakugan isn't showing...

Y/N: Huh....cool blade. Is there a reason why you tried to kill Hinami here?

Shinohara: Um.....


A scythe was swung against his neck only for it to bounce off, confusing the guy. Y/N suddenly appears in front of him, startling him before swinging his sword, sending the scythe flying into the horizon.

Y/N: Can we please be civil about this gentleme-


His wings extend, blocking a hail of bullets before they swing wildly and knock the guns out of each investigators's hand in a few seconds.

Y/N: *sigh* Can we be civil about this?


Sensing 3 people charging, he swings Soul Eater and slices through their quinques, rendering them useless and shocking everyone.

Y/N: Can we....be civil about this?

be civil about this?

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