Oneshot 2 : Azelea and fogmist

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Azelea always caught a sight of the clans hunting or chase out her peers , but she never hated them . She found them interesting, to say the least.

She met Fogmist when he was being trained as an apprentice, accidently stumbling into each other while he fell on a rock, injuring his front leg.

It had been a long period since then , and she hadn't seen him since. 

She still identified the scent of his clan though, and it was becoming more recently she would find them. Was he even still alive ? Did he forget about her ? Did he ever forget about how she helped him heal ?

She sighed, and continued to take her walk near the river to catch her fish. 

Her eyes met the scale of a fish , and her loose eyes suddenly brightened with excitement. She slowly put her head close by the flowing water, and rapidly opened her mouth to catch her fish.

Her teeth sank into the skin of the wet creature , and blood slowly spilled from her mouth. She walked to a small shade of a tree, and placed her fish down.

She began to chew her meal , letting the wind blow on her fur , silence flooding the atmosphere . 

It wasn't until then she had realized how lonely she was herself.

The same routine each day, 

nobody to talk to ,

all her friends dead , or separated from her .

What was the point of living in the same stage everyday ? it was useless, and Azelea was getting sick of it . Her heart ached for emotions to feel , friends , excitement , her life back .

The incident with fogmist was small, and he barely even remembered her, but she felt as if he was important to her . Not romantically , but as in he was important for her .

He still remembers me . she thought. He has to .

She quickly finished her meal  , but as soon as she did rain slowly poured onto the ground. Little drops aimed on her forehead and she quickly ran to the nearest spot for shade , and she shook her pelt in annoyance . 

"Rain ?" she mumbled . "Right now ?"

She sighed, and rested her head . To this point she knew she was going to join her friends in the wandering stars sooner or later , but she didn't know it would be this soon . Maybe it was just meant to be .

All of the sudden , a rustle was heard from behind her .

Her ears raised rapidly , and she stood firm . "Hello ?" She muttered, slowly walking near the -presence of the noise . 

Right at the moment , A large, big , white tom with light gray paws , ears , and muzzle leaped in front of her , frighting Azelea . 

" Silly , its me ! " The tom exclaimed . " Fogmist ! "

Azelea quickly opened her eyes , and a wide smile appeared on her face rapidly . "Fogmist ! " she yelled , jumping in excitement and nuzzling him . 

"Its really you , oh my god ! " She exclaimed merrily . " I haven't seen you in forever ! I thought you forgot about me ! "

" Oh don't be stupid Azelea , I would never ! " He laughed . He laid his tail on her , and purred softly . " Man , your so grown ! Who knew small cats like you grew ! "

Azelea laughed , covering her mouth with her paw . Her and Fogmist hadn't joked like this in moons , and it was so very casual for them to do so . She missed moments like these too much , she hadn't felt this feeling in so long . 

" Your actually so big now ! Your fur grew SO much too ! " She added , chuckling a bit . 

Fogmist laughed , looking at his fur . He shook his pelt aggressively to show off to Azelea , which wasn't very uncommon for him to do . " Mm , you noticed didn't you ? " he snickered . " Its not even that big , pfft . "

She let out a silent laugh , and laid her tail over his . Fogmist was a bit surprised by this movement , because most of the time when other cats did this to him , he got pressed and got uncomfy . 

But for Azelea ?

At Waterclan camp , many cats liked him , but he never really had these type of feelings . Yea , he showed off and stuff , but he never really liked having these type of emotions .

" Its been so long , I thought we would never see each other again !" She said purring with joy . " Hows your clan ? Sometimes I found scents of clans wandering near . Do you have any apprentices ? How's lilypaw ? What's her real name ? " She had so many questions with such little time , she was so excited . 

" O-oh ! normal as usual , duh . Ill be getting an apprentice soon said froststar , Lilypaws fine , her real name is lilypetal now , the usual you know ? " He replied, his face slowly blushing . He had to admit , he missed his rogue friend .

" Sounds amazing ! " She exclaimed , jumping with joy . " And how's life for you ? " Fogmist asked , curious . 

Azelea merry jumps slowly turned into slow walks , and she sighed, rolling her eyes . " Honestly , I hate it so much here .. This part of the forest is so boring , no friends , family , socialization , its just me and fish in the river .. "

Fogmist never felt much sympathy for people , except for his close friends , but he felt a bit bad for Azelea , just leaving her by herself , all out alone . .

" Hey , azzy .. This may sound a bit uh , - weird , but I was wondering ... " He muttered , turning his tone calmer . " What if you .. joined us in the clans ? "

Azelea couldn't believe the own words she had heard . She was shocked , still as a rock for a few seconds . " A-are you actually serious ? " she asked softly , trying her best to contain her excitement . 

" Of course ! I can ask froststar , he's always welcome to new cats ! " He exclaimed . 

Azelea nuzzled fogmist in delight , " Thank you , Thank you  , Thank you ! " she yelled , purring loudly . " I cant wait , I cant wait ! We can sleep in the same den , - "

" Eat freshkill together ! " He added .

" Hunt together ! " She added . 

" You'll love my friends ! "

" They'll love my hunting skills ! "

The two just continued to plan their entire future as if they were kits again in a nursery , and the two were having the time of their lives . 

The two stared in silence for a few seconds , realizing how childish they were behaving . They burst out laughing , realizing how silly they sounded . 

" Cmon Azzy , we don't have much time left ! Its getting dark and we need to see Froststar . " He said , shaking his fur . 

Azelia nodded , and continued to follow the large tom . 

" Thanks for finding me by the way , you big snowball . " she said thoughtfully , purring slowly near fogmist . His face turned complete red , his fur spiking in nervousness . The good way , of course . 

" Pfft , you know I would find you someday again , bozo . " He chuckled , nuzzling her softly . The two continued to walk towards the waterlcan territory , and . . 

Authors note ::

AAAA I LOVE FOGMIST AND AZELEA SM THEYRE SO CUTE 2GETHER !! idk if ill post a part 2 ,, i would like to but only if u guys want me to ofc . Im soo srry this came out a bit rushed but thats cz i have alot fo stuff n stories , but i swear the enext chapter will be better ! but either way hope u enjoyed this oneshot !! i lvu writing fluff sm a ah

anyways , ty sm for reading !!1 <333 xoxo 

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