29. Right On Time

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"I saw Sam."


"He's on a white walker hunt. With Jon." Katie remarked. "Beyond the wall." 

"Great, where all the fun began." Dean exclaimed. 

"We can drop them off at the wall before-"

"There is no time." Benjen corrected. 

"We can make it." Bran assured. 

"Dean. You take them to the wall." Katie instructed. 

"Katie-" Dean began to object. 

"No, we need to get to sam. I need Bran safe. Take them. We will meet you." Katie assured. 

"I don't like this Katie." Dean countered. 

"I will protect her." Benjen assured. 


"This is strange." Katie admitted as they rode through the snow. "This is how it started."

"I recall you flirting at a banquet and then beating Lannister's ass to the ground was how it started." Benjen mused holding her closer as they rode. 

"That was a good day. We shouldve stayed in bed." Katie remarked. 

"Yes. We should have." Benjen agreed. 


'No we need to take him with us, we need to take him to dragon stone Daenerys is our only chance.' Jon pointed to the captured white walker.

'There is another chance if we kill him if we kill the knight king we killed them all.' Sandor suggested, pointing out, seeing him standing tall above his army. He rode his walker horse, staring down at them threateningly, all without saying a word,

'The Lord brought you back, the Lord brought me back, did he do it to watch his freeze to death?' Beric asked jon.

"It would be ironic." Sam remarked. "Lord of light, freezing to death." Sam offered. "Dean would think it was funny." 

'Careful Beric you lost your priest this is your last life' Sandor told him.

'The lord of light will guide us-' beric always the faithful servant.

'Everyone I've ever met has been a cunt. I don't see why the Lord of light would be any different.' Sandor told him, they stare down the night king he stood on the top perched high about everyone else watching them, waiting to attack.

'Dumb cunt' Sandor said throwing another stone the walker stood unfazed as it hit his face, bouncing onto the ice. Sandor threw another stone but it stayed on the surface on the ice, the ice didn't break, the walkers noticed. 'oh fuck' he said as the walkers started to move closer to him a single white walker walking across the ice and then more started to walk seeing it was safe their swords and boots dragging across the ground.

"Great job Clegane." Sam shouted as they got ready again. 

Swords and daggers and hammers and axes all being swung through the air all killing the white walkers Beric set his sword aflame again slicing them through the heart or their lack of heart. They were getting closer there was too many of them they were gonna die, too damn many. Sandor swung blades slicing them down but they kept coming. For every walker they bashed in, sent crumbling to the waters below another hundred seemed to approaching. 

"Right on time." Katie remarked leaping off. "It seems to be out new motto." She mused as Benjen chased after her. "About to die, don't worry Winchesters will swoop in when it looks most grim!" She called back to him. "SAM!" Katie shouted but he was to far away. 

Closer and closer they got the harder they swung the harder they fight the smaller their little island of sanctuary became. The white walkers were getting the upper hand crashing down on top of them.

'Fall back' Jon shouted 'fall back' but where were they to fall back to? They were surrounded. It looked hopeless. This was to be their end.

Tormund was being toppled. White walkers fell into a hole in the ice and where trying to drag him under. He screamed out reaching out as he was pulled down. Sandor jumped down swinging mercilessly, pulling him back up as the walkers kept advancing. They lost a few men pulled under by the walkers eating them alive, their screams echoing as they were torn apart. They were going to die. Their spot of safety was gone. Jon's face pinched as he swung time and time again. But it was useless. Jon kept swinging, and swinging, they were going to die...

Then, fire rained down from the sky. 

"SHIT!" Katie declared faltering back. "I always wanted to see a dragon." 

"All Benny's talk about Davina make you want one?" Benny mused. 

"Hell yes." Katie agreed. 

"KATIE?" Sam questioned through the snow and flames. It couldnt be, could it? 

Daenerys. The mother of dragons had arrived. She gave them a circle of protection with the fire, her dragons killing walkers around them. Sam climbed up, squinting through the haze. That was Katie. She waved up at him. Sam wanted to jump down and run to her. Daenarys offered jon a hand but he needed to kill more of them. They were not stopping. Daenerys reached out for him. But jon kept fighting.

'GO!" Jon shouted. Dany took flight not sparing him a second glance.

"KATIE!" Sam shouted. 

"What is he doing?" Katie asked watching Jon run towards the danger. 

"Being an idiot." Benjen murmured. 

"You knew he would. That's why we didnt have time." Katie remarked and he nodded. 

"You know how this is going to end don't you?" Katie rasped as they got closer again he nodded. "Was I ever here before?" 

"No." He answered. 

"Then lets hope I can save your ass too." Katie declared. 

The night king approached watching them leave on their dragon. The night king readied his spear and launched it at one of the dragons, the dragon collapsed to the ground disappearing in the water. Dany watched her child fall. Her other two dragons screaming out for their brother.

Jon was being toppled before the ice gave out from under his feet and he fell through the ice. 

"I got him." Benjen shouted slicing down walkers as he moved. Katie looked to the Night King. That was him. There was no questioning it. She moved up, climbing up the wall towards him as Benjen pulled Jon out slinging him over their horse. Benjen knew how this ended. He sent his horse off before searching for Katie. 

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