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Kenneth's POV

Just like everyday I got up and showered. Change into a pair of maroon skinny jeans and a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. Then I proceeded on to straightening my hair. Yes I do straighten my hair.

I let it grow longer since the day I was exiled from Romania.

After all that fussing over my appearance I walked out of my room to bump right into my 'little sister', Cindy.

"Good morning Kenneth!" she's always too exited about everything, no other kid around her age is as bubbly as her.

She's ten by the way.

"Morning Cindy. Do you know what Mary made for breakfast?"

"Blueberry pancakes, eggs on the side and toasted bread." she said in her smart tone.

She always felt superior and it was adorable.

I grinned.

"Yum. Race you to the kitchen!" I said and sprinted of the stairs.

Of course I held back and let her win. Then I faked to be out of breath and placed a hand on my lower back.

"Jeez Cindy you're so fast! I seriously think you are superwoman. I mean who could outrun me?!"

She lifted her chin and smiled triumphantly.

"Me of course." then she gave me a serious look. "You should go to the gym Kenneth because you are slower than grandpa!"

Not laughing was a hard task. I really enjoyed having these sort of conversations with Cindy, it always made me smile. I've been doing that a lot since I got here.

I frowned.

Back when we used to guard Blair everything was so serious, since one wrong move could cause the death of our princess. Of course Blair always made things more difficult and sometimes fun but I felt like we had to be careful at all times.


Here I can be carefree knowing that the Romanian guards will never come looking for me. To them I was dead, I didn't exist. Of course I worried about Blair and the others. Even though she didn't liked being called princess she was one, and all my loyalty goes for her. Even though she has her guardian, a deathly one at that, I will die for her. No second thoughts.

A couple of months after being with this family I finally tried to contact them all. But none of them ever appeared. All those phone numbers where gone. I tried looking for a seeker or a sorceress but found none. This town was almost free of all the 'supernatural' stuff.

Then I felt it.

Someone was watching me.

I looked around frantically but no one was there. Maybe its just my imagination.

Bringing all those memories back wasn't helping.

"Kenneth are you alright?"

I took a whole step back away from Stephanie or as I liked to call her, Steph.

"Yeah fine."

With that we ate breakfast.

Mary and Miles came down. He left to work and Mary took Cindy. Steph was driving me to school, as always.

We didn't talk on the way there. We rarely did talk, and when we did it was awkward. Sure we did spend a lot of time on the roof, we enjoyed each other's company but we never really talked about it.

As soon as I entered the school I felt people staring. I tried to hide the discomfort.

"Hey Kenneth, my boy how was your weekend?" Carson came up to me and put his arm on my shoulders. He did that a lot.

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