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Pierce's POV

"Pierce," Mel stopped me by placing a hand on my forearm. "My feet hurt, really hurt."

She put emphasis on the really, making me look at her in concern. Mel rarely complains about anything but when she does its serious.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled to the guys. Kenneth and Carson, who where carrying Meredith, groaned.

"Let me see." I kneeled down and took off her shoe. Sure enough, her feet were madly red and there were blisters.

I winced. We've been walking a long time and not even once had I asked her if she was okay. What kind of boyfriend am I?

"What are you doing?" Mel asked shocked as I took off both of her shoes and handed them to her. "If I couldn't walk with them on, I wont be able to walk without them."

"That's why I'm going to carry you, baby."

She let out a yelp as I grabbed her bridal style, then I nodded to the guys and we kept walking.

We kept going foward a good thirty minutes when Mel started to get uncomfortable. She started talking nonsense, like letting her walk and how heavy she must be. Of course I denied both.

"Hey, grumpy! Are you sure you know the way?" I yelled to Carson.

"Of course I do, I spent most of my childhood in this forest. I know it like the palm of my hand. The house is straight ahead."

Sure enough I could see a light.

A few steps later we were able to see the house. It was like a plantation house. That big.

Yeah. I hate rich guys.

"Stop if you don't want to die punks!" we stopped as the man on the roof of the house held a rifle pointed at our heads.

"Simon, it's me Carson!" Kenneth's friend yelled.

"Sir? What are you doing here?" Simon asked but still didn't lower the rifle.

"Emergency. I notified my mom, we are in a bit of a hurry so would you drop the gun and open the house?" Carson snapped.

"You never come here without your parents, sir. And now you bring a group of punks. I'm afraid I cant-"

"It's fucking sunset! Now open the house before I call mom and get you punished."

"Sunset?" Simon asked incredulously.

I set Mel down and grabbed my gun.

"If you don't open up right now, I'll shoot you before you can even aim at me." I warned.

"Stop mocking me, Simon. Open up, I've said the code." Carson said exasperated.

He was pissed and it was understandable, after everything he's been through I'm impressed he hasn't cracked under pressure like a normal ignorant normal person.

"If he doesn't stop pointing that thing at us I'll make him come down." Blair said in the scary tone of hers. It had the hairs on the back of my neck stand to a point.

"Repeat the code!" Simon yelled.

"Sunset." Carson nearly growled.

"I'm coming down." the guard finally said.

Seconds later the front door was opened. Carson sighed and started walking forward with Meredith and Kenneth, we soon followed. I glared at Simon as we entered the house. God, I wanted so much to punch the guy.

Carson and Kenneth ended up taking Meredith to a guest room, while we all sat down at the living room. Not saying a think. It was so quiet you could hear our breathing.

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