Chapter 5: Hunted

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We see the gang on a dessert with Max finished building the contraption for Ben and Y/n's training. It has small cans, tires and planks for target practice. Ben as Diamondhead was getting ready.

Max: "You ready?"

Diamondhead (Ben): "Oh yeah."

Max: "Remember to think out there Ben. Just don't try to muscle it. Might isn't always right."

Diamondhead (Ben): "I know. But it's always fun."

Max then starts to pull levers as Ben did his work to try and dodge and shoot at the targets. He does it with ease as he skillfully hits the targets while evading something that is coming his way. Y/n and Gwen watched at the sidelines with Gwen applying some sunscreen on her skin.

Gwen: "Show off.."

Y/n: "That's his downfall."

Max: "Focus. Ben. Think!"

Diamondhead (Ben): "Don't worry Grandpa."

Some cans come flying at him. He bobs out of the way and shoots them behind his back, but doesn't notice a tire swinging at him. It beans Diamondhead in the face, knocking him back and causing him to shoot crystals everywhere. Max takes cover. Gwen screams and hides as the crystals hit her chair and sunscreen bottle. Y/n jumped out of the way and also took cover. As Gwen starts crawling out from under a table, the leaking sunscreen lands on her head.

Gwen: "Urgh!"

Diamondhead (Ben): "Oops, my bad."

Y/n: "You should really focus on your surroundings Ben. To avoid causing more damage when you start going hero."

Ben then times out as he walks towards them.

Max: "We'll talk inside the Rust Bucket. Y/n, be ready."

Y/n nodded as he primes up his Omnitrix and picked his alien. He turned into Chromastone and got ready.

Chromastone (Y/n): "Watch and learn Benjie."

Max pulled on a lever as targets suddenly appeared but Y/n used his ultraviolet beams and blasted them with precision. He dodged everything that was thrown at him and hit every target. He then scanned the area and saw more targets and things thrown at him. His body then started to glow a rainbow color as he released all the build up energy destroying every target.

Chromastone (Y/n): "That's how you do it."

Ben then noticed an incoming tire towards Y/n as he just smirked but what surprised him was Y/n firing a beam from his pointer finger hitting the tire without even looking.

Chromastone (Y/n): "I already knew that was going to happen."

They are now back in the road after the little training session as Max was talking to Ben on how he should focus more in his surrounding than just to fight head on. Gwen was still annoyed of Ben's recklessness.

Gwen: "You rock-head, you almost turned me into swiss cheese."

Ben: "I said I was sorry. What else do you want?"

Max: "What we want is for you to take that thing on your wrist more seriously. Ben, It's not a toy. You got to think when you use it. Just follow how Y/n does, he always thinks first on who to choose before going hero."

Ben: "I know but come on! You guys have seen me in action. I'm the baddest Ben in town. I've kicked up much alien butt my feet hurts."

Y/n: "I'm always there to save your butt you know."

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