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Synopsis: Harry walks in to see YN being mistreated by his fans at her work

Synopsis: Harry walks in to see YN being mistreated by his fans at her work

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It was eight the morning when Harry heard YN calling him from the shower whilst he was preparing for breakfast.

"You alright?" He rushed back to their bedroom to watch her head popped out of the bathroom door, he could really see she was butt naked in the mirror behind her through the cracked door. "What?"

"I forgot my towel." She said, obviously sheepish smile on her face.

"You could have come out you know." He suggested already going to fetch the towel for her. "I can see your bum in the mirror there."

She rolled her eyes, "like you haven't seen it already." And it's cold to walk out of shower butt nakey without a towel.

"I have, I have," he agreed.

"Can I wear one of your hoodie?" She asked, taking the towel from him. He got a thank you kiss on the cheek instead of her saying it out loud.

"When do you not?" He shrugged, "you've stole all my clothes. Just got me boxers to my name."

YN just giggles, "they're comfy!"

"And you know you don't have to ask me, darling." He assured her, watching her walk out with the towel wrapped around her body. "Are you still sore?" Enquiring about the changing weather which triggers her arthritis, he wrapped his arms around her from behind. Also, they went a little too rough last night. Bask in the fresh smell of her body wash.

"A hot shower helped, can definitely walk now." She shared. He caught her towel which unraveled to her chest.

"I really do go at it like a rabit." He realised. "But can you blame me though!"

"No one's blaming you." She resumed picking out her clothes and a hoodie from his side of the closet with a six feet tall, man baby clinging onto her.

"I think you should take the day off." He suggested. "I crave attention today!"

"I already took up all paid leaves, I can't." She cooed, "it's Friday. I'll be home for the weekend, I promise."

"You're not going over to Brielle's, this weekend?" His earn perked up like a cat at the news.

She has been going over to her friend's because she was really struggling in the last trimester of her pregnancy, with her Fiancé working extra hours at office so he can take the leave, her mum being busy with work the girl pregnant with twins was left alone for the most of the time. YN was a good friend, it really warmed his heart to see how she cared for people close to her. He didn't mind when she went over to her friend's house for the day on weekend.

"Yeah, she said her Fiancé's paternity leave begins from today." She shared.

"Well, good, I get to have my girl to myself." He sighed dropping his head into the crook of her neck, his soft lips brushing against her soft skin. "When do you get off work today?"

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