Princess Jasmine

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Synopsis: Harry hangs out at the cafe his fiance works at by the closing time

Harry never usually hangs out at his Fiance's work place, it is invasion of her work privacy, plus it's very distracting

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Harry never usually hangs out at his Fiance's work place, it is invasion of her work privacy, plus it's very distracting.

But today he went to see her after he'd just got back to London after his last show, all well rested. He slept all day at home. Came back after YN had already gone to work, so he went to see her. Maybe take her out on a quiet dinner date. He hadn't taken her out in a while now.

So he got ready in casual outfit and left as his hair air dried. He ordered himself a hot chocolate and sat at a table.

The cafe recently made changes, where more seating arrangements were made and self service was an option. Harry sat at ome of the new tables in a corner.

"Here you go." YN placed the mug of hot chocolate in front of him. "You want anything else, Hazza?"

"Yeah, a kiss would be nice." He smiled cheekily.

"Cheeky!" YN gave him a quick kiss on the mouth, "just an hour an half, then we'll leave."

"I'm right here." He assured her.

He sat there replying to all the pending emails he haven't checked since the last leg of his tour began. They were just random written interviews which had longer deadlines so he was good with later replies. Usually it's his team handling the emails for him, but these he preferred to answer himself.

There were not many people just a man with a little boy who'd just entered the cafe, went up straight to the register where YN was now cleaning up the coffee machines. The boy was wearing his Disney princesses shirt and Cars pants, had long brown curly hair. Harry knew YN is going to gush over how adorable that little human was.

She's just so nice around kids. He knows for sure she's going to be amazing mother to their kids.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" YN asked.

"Hi, can I, can I pwease have this muffin?" The little boy pointed to the two last blueberry muffins.

"Of course you can." YN beamed, "anything else you want, love?"

"Oh, and one for my wittle sister too!" He clapped his hand in excitement.

"She's too young, lad, you want anything else?" The man with the boy said laughing at his son's adorable excitement.

Harry paused doing what he was doing as he watched the interaction. He knows YN loves little kids, just the other day she bullied her friend to bring her twins over. Bummer that Harry was still on tour, he loves those twins too. He was bombarded with loads of videos and pictures from her that day.

The boy looked at his dad with a cheeky smile and looked back at YN, "can I have a chocowate milkshake too?"

YN giggled, "of course you can." She added to the bill.

"That's it, fank you!"

"You're welcome," YN found the boy real adorable. "I'll bring it right up to you."

YN quickly packed both of the muffins in a box and fixed a chocolate milkshake. It was a little too late for that in her opinion but his dad was letting him have it.

The boy was very talkative, as he talked his very tired dad's ears off waiting for his muffins and milkshake. YN was quick enough to fix the order and take it over to the table.

"Fank you!" The boy sang in excitement, "I'm going to share this wif mummy!"

"You are? That's so sweet of you!" YN gasped, impresses that he really thinks of his sister and mum.

"Yes." He nodded now looking up at YN as a revolutionary realisation seemed to hit him, "you look like princess Jasmine! Are you princess Jasmine?"

YN's heart was a puddle in that moment, "you're so cute, but no, I am not princess."

"You're very pwetty."

"Thank you, you're very handsome too!" YN shuffled his hair slightly. "You have a great night, okay?"

"You too, fanks!" He held onto the paper bags with the muffins with one hand and with other he held onto his dad's hand. He waved her bye as he walked out of the cafe. YN went flipped the sign to Closed.

That really made her day after a long shift dealing with some rude customers. She got to finishing up her work.

"Harry?" She called for him, "I'm done let's go." She went back to grab her bag and phone and lock up back doors.

Harry waited for her as she switched all of the lights off and locked the front door. It hit him.

She must have done all of this alone the night he asked her out the first time, after bumping into her as she closed the door. He remembered how nervous he was, and now here he is almost three years later, so close to being her husband.

And she really did looked like Princess Jasmine. With the blue shirt she wore, she was gushing over it when she found it at a thrift store it had her favourite cuss word written onit with sparkles. Good thing the boy didn't see it because of her apron.

"Ready to go, Princess Jasmine?" He held out his hand for her. They're going to walk home as both of their cars were at the garage getting fixed.

"Stop it," YN blushed as she grabbed onto his hand, "he was very cute, wasn't he?" She hugged his arm as they walked, with her head on his shoulder-- or you can say his bicep given she's shorter than him.

"Mhmm." He agreed.

"I want one too!"

"We can't just go and buy a kid from a store." He teased her, acting nonchalant about it.

"We can make one." She looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"I bet we'd make pretty good looking babies, eh!" He wondered.

"Hmm, especially if all them look like you." She said, "we already have one who looks like you, and he isn't even the same species."

"Stop!" He scoffed defeated.

Their cat, Milo, is morphing into a feline version of Harry. In everyway. He sleeps like Harry, eats like him, does weird things like his dad. It's a running joke by YN, she loves to tease him like that.

"I am serious, we should talk about it." YN brought up the topic again, she seems very serious about it.

"We will when we're home, yeah?" He assured her, "now I want to take you out on a date."

He walked her to this small Japanese restaurant one of his friend recommended him ages ago. It was small and cosy, perfect for a night he hoped to spend with his love.

And the night went as he imagined it would.

They went home and talked about all things about having a baby planning. It was just a vet domestic evening for Harry, and his fiance.


N O T E :
Are we getting somewhere with this book??? 👀

Leme know what you think of this! I love you xx

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