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Synopsis: YN and Harry's weekend trip to Italy

Friday night was spent at Harry's villa in Tuscany and the next day he was going to drive them to Florence to this museum, Sunday was going to be spent around the neighborhood of his house

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Friday night was spent at Harry's villa in Tuscany and the next day he was going to drive them to Florence to this museum, Sunday was going to be spent around the neighborhood of his house.

It was YN's first time at Harry's villa or in Italy really. She's been getting a lot of opportunities to go to new cities and countries since she's met him, that made her that much more guilty. He let her walk around the house until he figured the plan for their dinner out, but promised to give a personal house tour himself. He resorted to order a take out from one of his favourite places.

It was a good place YN figured, very private. No wonder why Harry talked about spending time there before he grew to love going back to the flat which is now their home. There was a huge pool in the backyard, which was clean surprisingly given the fact that Harry hasn't been here in a long time. Maybe he had someone come and clean up the pool. Maybe he's planning to use it. There were fairy lights all around the backyard, it was so Harry in all ways. All sorts of blooming flowers scattered around the garden, little weird statues splayed around the space as decore, some used as planters. The villa was very big, but it had the same safe and zen feel to it as their home back in London.

"Do you like it here?" Harry's voice right in her ear from behind spooked her.

"Oh my god, you scared me!" She smacked his chest making him laugh, "and yeah, it's very cosy in here." She shared. "Now I get it why you'd come here to stay often."

"Yeah? Do you wanna move here someday?" He wrapped his arms around her middle from behind.

"When we're retired? Yes!" She joked to which he actually laughed. "It's very pretty out here, can't wait to see this in the morning when the sun is up."

"It's even more prettier in the morning, I will tell you that." He agreed, "do you want to go swimming tomorrow?"

"Hah! I can't swin to save my life." She scoffed.

"I'll teach you, don't you worry about that baby girl." He smeared his lips onto her shoulder with a smooching sound. "I ordered us some food from my favourite restaurant, it'll be delivered in a few minutes."

"Thank you." She smiled. "We won't have enough time though.'

"We'll come in next week." He shared, "and the next. Or we can vacation here next year when you can take your yearly off."

"Mhmm, I want to try all the food here." She suggested and that made him really happy.

"Yeah?" He teased, waddling around with her in his arms, "we'll try everything you want, baby. And by everything, I mean everything." He whispered the last word in her ear making her giggle.

"Stop being cheeky!" She whined feeling him tickle her sides.

"Food's gonna take a long time, I think I wanna have my dessert first." His voice was a deep whisper as if he was keeping it a secret from the plants and shrubs around in his backyard, nose skimming against warm skin of her neck. "You wanna go in?"

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