😆 A bet from the stupid dum dum 😆

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Thirteen's Point of View

A busy day and it was quite BORING as usual.

I hate everything that I just had.


except that number with the shades

How come that lucky number win their heart!? I wanted them to be mine not that unlucky number.

I then saw the number that I was talking about. The one with the shades.

THIS IS MY CHANCE! 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍😍🥰😍🥰😘 (simp am I right?)

I quickly ran to see Nine and hugged them so tightly that I did not let go of them

"LET ME GO!" Nine let go of me as I get a little worried.

"Sorry Nine-o" I chuckled as I hold Nine's hand.

"I SAID STOP!" they slapped me as I feel very sad.


"Anyways, what's up?"

"I have a bet for you 7w7" I said as I blush a tiny bit.

"What is it. It better not be something to get me to love you." Nine sighed as I say the bet.

"I bet that you can make Seven cry like a little baby and after you do that, I'll give you 50 dollars"

"WHAT!? But I don't want to make my bf (brofriend) cry"

"DO IT OR ELSE" I screamed at Nine and pat them on the back to calm myself down.

"Ugh. Fine... you stupid freak." 

Even though I have money. I'm going to pay Nine all of my money because I only have 50 dollars qmq... why I'm I so poor... ?

Let's hope my awesome future bf don't mess up

Nine's Point of View

Ugh... I can't believe that I'm doing this bet right now. I better take it or Thirteen is going to kill me I swear.

I hate that number so much.

I saw Seven on the swings and decided to go see them and do that stupid bet

"Hey Seven" I greeted Seven as they smiled.

"Hi brofriend! How's it going?"

"Doing okay. Listen I have something I have to tell you"

"Yeah? What's up?" Seven asked me as I tried to stay strong and stick to the bet and trying to make it some sort of a prank.



"I'm breaking up with you..."

"What's that?"

"It means that our relationship has come to an end"

"W-What? ..." Seven starts to feel sad as I sighed.

"I'm sorry..."

"I guess I don't have someone to help me with the disease..." they then starts to cry but they didn't cry like last time during the 600K subscriber count.

"There...there... it's just a joke..." I calmed down Seven and hugged them.

"Oh... so all that you said was a joke? ..." 

"Yeah... I'm still your brofriend"

"Aww... that's good to know" Seven hugged me back and cries of joy.

"Shh... there there..."

After Seven calmed down, I took them to get some hotdogs at the hotdog stand. We had a lot of fun getting some hotdogs there.

I looked both ways to make sure that Thirteen isn't here and they are not here.

Good. I don't want that freak here.

"These are delicious!" Seven ate the hotdogs happily as I smiled at them.

"I'm glad you liked it. Sorry about the prank I did to make you cry" I apologized to Seven.

"It's alright, bf. I forgive you"

"I love you bro"

"I love you too Nine"

20 minutes later

I return back to see Thirteen waving at me with a weird looking smile on their face. Geez. They're weird and just crazy.

"So... DID YOU DO IT?!" they screamed at me like an 8-year-old child who gets recess when he/she finishes his/her work.

"Yes." I sighed.

"YES!!! By the way, I have to give you all of my money because I ran out"

"Ha, serves you right"






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