💫✨ Something sparkling ✨💫

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No one's Point of View

Nine and Seven were walking alone in the streets looking at the stores they see. There were clothes, foods, and lots of stuff in some of the stores.

Seven still has amnesia which is still pretty bad, but Nine does their best to make sure that Seven is safe.

Nine was looking through all of the stores until they spotted some rings in the jewelry store.

Nine was looking through all of the stores until they spotted some rings in the jewelry store

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Some were gold, emeralds, and other different types of jewels. One was pretty obvious which is the diamond ring.

 Nine was hoping to get one for themselves for some reason but realized that Seven was here with them which will be a lot more difficult because Nine wanted to propose to them one day. 

But, Seven has amnesia. Will Seven still be together with Nine even if the amnesia wore off? 

Seven's Point of View

I love taking strolls outside. Even though me and Nine did this a lot of times, I still enjoy it.

We saw many stores and Nine decided to go to a restaurant instead because they're not into shopping I guess

"You know, I remember that time when you called me a dork in like one or two years ago" Nine said as I was confused.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as they forgot about something about me.

"Oh wait. Never mind. I was thinking about you without amnesia"

"Alright then. Anyways, this restaurant looks different than the other"

"Some restaurants can be different and some are the same. The only difference are the employees are working in different restaurant" Nine explained to me as I am amazed by their explanation.

"Oh! That's very interesting!"

As we went inside the restaurant, it was very crowded and there were so many people in this restaurant.

Wow. This restaurant must be huge and popular

"Hello and welcome to McDaisy's!" A white flower walked over to us and introduces her restaurant.

"Sup, Daisy! I'm Nine and this is Seven" Nine introduces themselves and me.

"Come along! I'll show you your seat"

🖤🖤❣ Amnesia Problem (79 Story) ❣🤍🤍Where stories live. Discover now