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Jaelis made it back by sunset, untying the chicken she put them in a small pen.
She was exited and nervous, untacking the horse she gave herself a small pep talk.

She was nervous having to talk to this gorgeous prince, what was she even doing hiding him away.

If her brother found out she would definitely be held against her will back home.

Jaelis practically skipped to the trees, climbing up with a blank head, but a pounding heart.

It was empty.

She sighed looking around her small hut, his black long coat on the floor.
Maybe he forgot it.
Maybe he'd be back.

Either of the two would be better then him forgetting it.

     She emptied the bag of horse-skin grabbing some clean clothes, wanting to rinse before heading to bed.
She was exhausted, having no sleep in over two days.
She even forgot to eat, her stomach burning as she made her way back down the hut.

    She would rinse herself and eat, then sleep.

     It was a quiet night, only hearingthe crickets sing. Jaelis shrugged off her navy coat hanging it on a branch. A small rodent like foot embroidered onto the hem.

She started walking to the tree line, her anxiety creeping up.

How did she know this prince would come and slit her throat for knowing he was there.

Her brother should be back already, if not close.

He'd realize she wasn't there, he wouldn't be able to find her no matter what.

The hounds couldn't pick her scent up because of the river.
She was sure of it.
    If she went back home empty handed, or at least empty mouthed, her brother wouldn't have it.

He wasn't going to play any games with his sister. She knew that.

She had to open her mouth about Aemond.
Or show up with.

    She definitely needed the warm waters, she was so tired, and so jittery.
The combination beating her up.

Aemond didn't help, she hadn't stopped to really think of him.

When she do think of him she though of his handsome face, and his immaculate energy oozing off him.

      She wondered if he even remembered her name.

He seemed so ethereal to her.
His gaze composted for his silence.
A deadly look.

It made her heart squeeze, making her swollen a lump at the back of her throat.

    He seemed very collected and quite, she couldn't read him really.
It scared her and intrigued her.

     Jaelis was pulled from her thoughts when she ran into him, on one of the trails that led to the springs.

His shirt was halfway unbuttoned.
He had his armor and some clothes washed and wet.
Probably about to dry them.

     "Your Grace." Jaelis softly bowed her head down. Actually speaking to him without any rush.

   Her heart could nearly jump out of her ears.
She wanted to really look at him, so bad.
But she was scared. 

      "Princess." He replied back with a straight face "I was starting to wonder" a small smile creeping onto his usually serious face.
  "Maybe your weren't coming back."

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