Chapter 1

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I walked into the library on a rainy Wednesday morning.

"Hey Mrs. Harris! How are you?" I asked Mrs. Harris, the librarian, while hanging up my rain coat ready to start working.

"I'm good dear. Now the real question is what are you doing here? It is..." She paused for a second to check her watch. "7:00 AM. You should be in bed asleep like any normal 16-17 year old."

I sighed walking over to help Mrs. Harris catalogue the books. This was a normal occurrence; me turning up early and Mrs. Harris scolding me for it.

"Mrs. Harris we've went over this. I'm perfectly fine with coming here early to help you catalogue the books. It's really no hassle." I finished cataloging a pile of books and moving on to the next.

"Darling, you're a teenager it's time you start acting it. Stay up late, sleep in, skip a day of school every once in a while, go to a party or something. Make friends for goodness sake little old me is definitely not helping in that department." In the midst of her little speech Mrs. Harris stopped cataloguing and just faced me. I, on the other hand, continued cataloguing with an amused look on my face. Out of every speech about my social life this is the most passionate Mrs. Harris has ever been.

"Mrs. Harris, I'm not looking to have a boatload of friends. I would definitely prefer hanging out with 'little old' you than anyone else in the school. All the other people are snobs and Jeremy always gets here right before school starts." Even though I got to school an hour early I could never stay at the library for long. This probably has something to do with the fact that I like to be a little early for everything and there is a five minute walk from the library to the school.

After I said goodbye to Mrs. Harris, I packed up and left. I checked my watch on the walk from the library to the school. It was 7:15 AM I decided I would have enough time to double check my homework before I had to meet up with Jeremy.

I sat in the cafeteria for a good 30 minutes before I heard a rumbling laugh behind me.

"I knew I would find you here." I continued working on my homework not even looking up to see who was talking to me.

"Hello Jeremy. Your here..." I stopped talking to check my watch. "Early you usually get here later." You know for having straight A's I can be pretty stupid sometimes.

"Yeah, my mom drove me to school today." I started packing up but still contributing to the conversation.

"That was nice if her. Tell her I say hi." I stood up and started walking, Jeremy walking right next to me.

"I definitely will. She keeps asking when your going to come over again."

"Aww. Well, tell Mama J that I can't there tonight but I will definitely be there tomorrow. I miss her too you know." We paused near my locker so I could grab my stuff for my next class which is in a couple if minutes.

"Hey, Jeremy I've got to get to class but i'll talk to you at lunch okay."

"Okay. Bye nerd."

I walked into the classroom a couple minutes early sitting next to a window near the front, but not in the front row. I unpacked my bag getting ready for the class. I had Algebra 1 first. Sad, I know, having math at the beginning of the day. But math isn't that bad it's just slightly obnoxious.

I was a little early so I pulled out my book and started reading. I got to the third chapter before the bell rang and students began piling in. When everyone settled down Mr. P, the Algebra teacher, started talking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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