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Tonys p.o.v:
My back has been hurting all day. I guess Colin noticed this. "Hey babe,what's wrong?" He asks. I sigh. "My back has been killing me." He blushed a little. "Can I maybe give u a massage?" He asks. "Oh um..sure!" I take my shirt off and lay down on my stomach across the couch. He straddles my legs,which I blush at. He starts kneading into my skin. "Mmm...ur good at this." I say as I close my eyes.  "Hehe thanks tony." He says. I can hear him smiling in his voice. He continues to massage my back. Then he reaches the part that's been bothering me. "Mmm" I say. After about 5 minutes,my back no longer hurts. He's about to get up. "Wait.." I say. "Hm?" "Stay like feels nice." I said. "What,me sitting on the back of ur legs?" He asks. "Yeah.." I smirk. "O-Ok." I can tell he's blushing. We sit there for a few minutes. I turn over on my back but make sure he is still on me. I pull him down to where he is laying on top of me on his stomach,and his head is on my chest. He blushes even more. "Mmm this is comfortable." I say as I wrap my arms around him. After about 10 minutes,he fell asleep. I smiled and stroked his hair. It was so soft and fluffy! I kiss his forehead.


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