6-Day with Skye (Spider-Man)

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Right now I'm sitting in school library and doing some sketches about my suit

It's three days since I put that suit on and I stal can't figure out a good name

Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder . I quickly change pages so , somebody couldn't see suits

I turn around and see it Skye

Y/N: Oh , hi . Wh...wha... What are you doing here ?

"Skye": Well I wanted to see you . We haven't speak that for the last few days

Y/N: Oh , yea . I'm so sorry . I was just really busy , you know

"Skye": Oh , I just wanted to ask you . Are you free today ? I thought we could watch some movie together ? Get some food ?

Y/N: Oh , yeah . Definitely . My place ? Right after school ?

I guess I can take a day off . Police tells that they can handle it without me , so I guess nothing wrong could happen

"Skye": Okay . What are you doing anyway ?

Y/N: I'm just... drawing

She look at the page where the concept of suit is

"Skye": Oh , you're fan of Spider-guy too

Y/N: Well... kinda

"Skye": He should make himself better name

Y/N: Something in mind ?

"Skye": Spider-Man sounds good . It's short , he's technically spider .

Why I didn't thought about it before ? That's actally good name

Y/N: That's good . Yea that's good

"Skye": I'm gonna go , but I'm gonna wait for you infront of school

Y/N: Okay

She leaves and I think about the name . Spider-Man . I'm gonna use this name


I'm walking through the halls in school and I bumped accidently into someone

I look who it was and it was Jason

Jason: Look who it is

Y/N: I'm sorry Jason , I didn't mean to...

Jason: But you did

I feel my tingle so I quickly moved out of the way

Jason: Look at you , you're gonna step up finally ?

I was ready to take the second punch because it would be weird if I could beat up Jason

He gave me punch and I fall on the ground

I close my eyes , ready for next punch , but nothing happened . I open my eyes and see Jason holding his nose and Skye above of him

She help me up and we go away

"Skye": C'mon , have you got anyone home ? I expect you don't want your parents to know . I'm gonna help you clean this little guys

She points at my eyebrows where is blood now

Y/N: No-one's there . Thanks Skye

"Skye": Don't worry about it

Y/N: I have to ask , why did you want to go out with me ? Right now ?

"Skye": Homecoming is gonna be soon . We didn't had our first "date" so I thought that we can just buy some food and watch .

Y/N: Date ?

"Skye": You don't have to take it as a date . Take it like day with your Homecoming plus one

I smiled and we go to my house


We already watched lots of movies and talked about lots of things . With Skye my time is running so fast , she's so special

It's dark outside already , so I just get ad idea

Y/N: Skye ? Do you want to stay over the night ? I don't like the idea you're going home that late

Skye seems to think about it

"Skye": Well , I can call my parents

Y/N: Okay , I'm gonna take just a quick shower , so you can have privacy for your talk

Daisy's POV

Y/N left to the shower and I call Natasha . She picks up immidietly

Daisy: Hey , mom . You know Y/N asked me if I could stay over the night ?

Nat: I mean , normally I would say no , but I can see that you like that "Y/N" so much . So I'm gonna say you yes

Daisy: Really ? Thanks mom

Nat: Yea , yea . Be safe

Daisy: Yeah , bye

Y/N just comes back and I look at him , he was shirtless . I have to admit that he's really hot so I whistle

He look at me and goes red immidietly

"Skye": If that's a guy who's gonna be my plus one , I'm lucky girl

He look at me and smiles and smiles back

Y/N: If that's girl is my plus one , I'm lucky guy

I feel my cheeks burnt


Y/N: Look , I know you don't have any clothes here , so I'm just gonna borrow you mine

"Skye": Okay

I handed her some black shirt and black shorts and some of my hoodies

She then left to take a shower

I lay on the bed and close my eyes . After few minutes Skye is back

Y/N: You're gonna sleep on my bad . I'm gonna sleep on the ground

"Skye": What ? No way I'm letting you sleep on the ground . I can take the ground

Y/N: I'm not gonna let you and you know that

"Skye": Why don't we just sleep next to each other on your bed ?

I feel myseld goes red

Y/N: I...um...I do... I mean , I don't want you to be uncomfortable

"Skye": I think I'm gonna comfortable . Don't worry

She winks at me and lay next to me . I turn of the lights and feel that she's kinda curled up to me

I was red as fuck . I give her kiss to her hair and hope she's not gonna take that as a bad thing

Y/N: Was this day a date ?

"Skye": Maybe , but it wasn't like date . It was more like "day with your plus one"

Y/N: Ohh , okay . Good night , Skye

"Skye": Goodnight Y/N

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