15- Phase 2 (Avengers)

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Stark , Banner and I have now found a way to find tesseract . Stark also just broke into Shield's secure files . And now we know what Fury has been hiding from us

Tony and I are sitting on the workbench and whilst we're looking trough the files , then Nick comes into the lab

Fury: What are you doing , Mr.Stark ?

Y/N: We've kinda been wondering the same about you

Fury: You three are supposed to be locating tesseract

Bruce: We are . We're scanning for it right now

He said and points to a computer

Tony: Yep , then you'll get the cube back . No muss , no fuss

The computer beeps and Tony an I see a file called "Phase 2"

Y/N: I've got a question . What is phase 2 ?

We hear slam and we all see a weapon on the table with Steve standing next to it

Steve: Phase 2 is that Shield uses the cube to make weapons . Sorry , the computer was moving to slow for me

Y/N: You could've just wait and didn't have to get your hands dirty

Fury then turns to Steve

Fury: Rogers , we gathered everything related to tesseract . This doesn't we're making...

Tony and I see more images come up on the screen . We both stand up and Tony turned the screen

Tony: I'm sorry Nick . What were you lying ?

Steve: I was wrong Director . The world hasn't changed a bit

Y/N: No , world's changed . But people in it doesn't .

I look back at Fury

Y/N: Did my dad knew about this ? Does my mom know about it ?

Fury: No , I knew he wouldn't approve . That's the same reason I didn't tell you or your mom . Same goes for Agent Johnson

Before we could say anything we see Daisy and Nat walk into the lab along with Thor . Daisy then notices the gun and the images

Daisy: What's all that ?

Y/N: Something that SHIELD didn't tell us

I look at Natasha

Y/N: Did you knew about this ?

Nat: No

She then look at Banner

Nat: Do you want to remove yourself from this environment , Doctor ?

Bruce: I was in Culcatta . I was well removed . And i'm not leaving because i want to know why Shield is creating weapons of mass destruction

Y/N: Doc's right about that . From the beginning I knew there something you doesn't tell us . But now we know , so tell us . Why did you use Tesseract to make weapons ?!

Fury points at Thor

Fury: Because of him

And Thor seems confused by this

Thor: Me ?

As each other's arguing i feel a tingle . When i turned around to the scepter , it was stronger . Suddenly i hear noise . As i get closer i hear a deep voice . I touch the scepter , i then feel myself black out

I see 6 different coloured stones . The last thing i saw was an image of a big purple figure with golden gauntlet

???: You should prepare for what's coming

When i come back to reality i have to catch my breath . Once i turn to the others i see them looking at me with shocked faces

Steve: Kid , put down the scepter

I look down and see I'm holding the scepter in my hand . I carefully put it back on the work bench , still in shock from what scepter shown me . I feel my breath are starting goes faster and I tried to concentrate but I just couldn't

Daisy POV

I looked at (Y/N) and see that he's freaked out by whatever the scepter had just shown him . So i go over to him and put my hand on his cheeks

Daisy: Y/N , baby . Are you okay ?

I feel his breath is fast and that he have probably some panic attack again

Daisy: Y/N , breath with me , okay ? Focus on my breath

Tony then approach us

Mr.Stark: Kid , it's okay we're here . Focus on your girlfriend breath okay ? Breath for us

Tony then look at me

Mr.Stark: Is this normal ? Does he have this attacks often ?

Daisy: He had them few times after his father died

I feel his breath starting slowing down

Y/N: Daisy

Daisy: I'm here babe , I'm here . Are you okay ?

Y/N: Yea , I think . Thanks

He look at Tony

Y/N: Mr.Stark , thank you . I...

Tony: Don't worry about it kid . It's okay

Tony then pats Y/N on the shoulder and goes back to his position

Then i pull him close and give him a hug

Y/N: I'm good , really . Don't worry . I'm okay

Daisy: Okay , okay . We need you , I need you


I smile at her

Y/N: I know , it just . I... I

After a moment of silence we all hear a noise come from the computer . We found the tesseract

Suddenly my spider-sense goes off and i knew we're all in trouble . Daisy notice that

Daisy: Y/N what's wrong ?

Y/N: Something bad is gonna happen

I then turn my head

Y/N: Oh fuck , everyone get down !

At that moment there was an explosion . I want to jump at Daisy and protect her with my body but the explosion send us all flying and it caused me to black out

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