18 - first day on the job.

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Last night was the most perfect evening i've ever had and i ended it with Louis as my boyfriend. I actually couldn't believe it it's like i'm in a movie or a dream. But today i have my first job as Sadies assistant, once again what a dream. I changed into a casual outfit and did my makeup for the day then headed down to the office.

I arrived at the LDN floor and got out, i was greeted by Sadie straight away.

"Hi darling" she beamed, she's like a ray of sun in the morning so much energy all the time and i don't even know how.

"Hi" i replied

"Right so let me speak through today, we have a shoot with model we are working with Supreme in this shoot so we have a few of their peices to style."

"Okay great, what time is the model coming?"

"In 15 minutes so we better get on with it."

"Oh wow, rushing already"

"It's like this everyday, right follow me"

She led me to a large room down the corridor, there was a white background which carried on to the floor,  a few photography lights and the camera. On the other side there was a rail of clothes which i presume are the ones we can pick from.

"Right so these are the items to choose from, you sort out the sports look, i've already sorted one."

"Okay" i replied already on the search for something.

I found a white golfers jacket with the supreme logo in the corner, then some white supreme joggers to go with and finally a red bag with the supreme label printed across the front.

"What do you think?" I asked

"Oh i love that! Wait can you help me? Do i do this or this?" she said while holding up two blazers.

"That one" i said pointing at the blue blazer.


The model came and he dressed into the multiple outfits we had selected for him. We did the shoot and everything ran much smoother than i thought and it would only took a couple hours, but add a couple for changing time and all the makeup. The model was lovely too, he complimented the outfit choices i made for him which definitely made me feel much more relaxed.He soon left leaving me and Sadie in the room.

"I think that went pretty well" she announced

"I agree, i already love this job"

"Oh i'll pay you as well, while you are still here" she checked her gold watch and whispered to herself "6 hours" She reached into her pocket and handed over £180.

"Oh thank you i said."

"You are welcome thank you for your help today, also you will be needed tomorrow there's another shoot"

"Okay that's fine what time would you like me in?"

"Maybe around 11?"

"That's fine, thank you for today."

"You're very welcome"

I entered the lift and headed home and there sat on the door step was my boyfriend, who ever thought i'd call him that. I approached him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah" he replied.

"Alright... come in"

I opened the front door, i could see my dad sat in the living room from the hall. He looked over, noticing Louis he gave me a confused look but he knew of Louis from the Partridge parents, he was good friends with James - Louis dad.

"Hi dad"

"Hi y/n"

Louis and my dad both exchanged nods. Some random thing boys seem to do these days it's as if they can't even speak.

We both headed upstairs to my room.

"So this is your room?" he said intrigued for some reason.

"Yep, why does it not seem like me?"

"No it gives your vibe completely."

He noticed the sweater weather record he bought me on my record player, he ran his finger over it.

"So you've listened to it"

"Of course i have, like i said it's a favourite of mine"

He pressed the play button and it started playing. He started dancing around my room and he held his hand out for me join in with him so i took his hand and he hauled me up, dancing and giggling as he spun me around, twirled me, held me and sang to the song. As he spun me he lost balance and fell onto my bed, i fell straight on top of him we both laughed but it soon died down along with the song. I nestled my head between his head and shoulder, he smelt just like his aftershave a fresh vanilla scent. My hand laid on top of his chest.

I soon accidentally drifted to sleep but i could feel Louis dragging his fingers up and down my back.

The scent of vanilla drifted into my nose and my eyes fluttered open.

"Finally awake?" said Louis

"wait how long has it been?"

"about 45 minutes"

"oh sorry, it's just been a long day."

"it's fine, but i'd better get going I've got some lines to rehearse"


I gently kissed his neck where my head had been laying and i got up, i followed his downstairs and said goodbye and he was gone.

I went to the living room where my dad was sat.

"So what's going on with you and Louis"

Shit. I knew this question would be brought up and i was going to tell him, i just didn't know how to. I was used to telling my mum my boy problems - which i barely had because Louis is my first boyfriend- but she'd then tell my dad. How was i going to do this.

I took a deep breath in "Well dad he's my boyfriend, it hasn't been long though we only made it official last night but we've been hanging out for the past month and a bit."

"Oh well i'm happy for you y/n i think he will do you good, he's a lovely lad as far as i know."

"He is" i smiled

"Well he's allowed round here as much as he'd like."

I smiled and went to my room, thank god that was over.

Hi everyone just wanted to say i'm open for any suggestions for where you want this story to go or any scenarios you want to happen. 💐

My best friend's brother // Louis Partridge Where stories live. Discover now