22 - different cliente

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I woke up, Louis face smushed into the pillow and his fluffy hair all of the place, he still had his arms wrapped around me and his teddy bear wedged between the both of us. He is such a cutie. I spilled out the bed to quickly hop in the shower.

I came out, a towel wrapped around my body and one twisted in my hair. I peered over at Louis who was looking right back at me a little smirk on his face I went over to the bed and gave him a little peck on the cheek 

"morning sleepy head" i said messing his hair up

"morning" morning voice. AH.

I quickly changed into some clothes for the day as i planned on doing some birthday shopping for Louis, without him obviously, as his birthday is coming up soon.

"Want any breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeah please, I can help if you want."

"No no your special treat because you got the bears yesterday"

He stretched his arms out then hauled himself out of bed wrapping his arms around me he tightly pulled me in resting his sharp chin on my head.

Mixing some batter together I made some pancakes because everyone loves pancakes. Right? Where can you go wrong. Plus they can be savoury or sweet. Louis stood leaning on the island watching my every step.

"You know you will have to teach me how to make that pasta you made that day."

"Maybe I will but remember it's family recipe so I have to trust you enough to not tell anyone." I said tapping my nose and smirking.

He chuckles. "Wait it's going to be 32 degrees (Celsius) tomorrow" he blurts out

"Wait seriously thats like going abroad weather."

"I know, we should go to the beach for the day, we can swim and both get a good tan"

"Which beach though, Louis remember this is the UK not the Caribbean."

"I may have a place"

I plated up the pancakes and handed it to Louis and I grabbed a plate of them too and we both sat at the dining table.

"These are so good" he mumbles, his mouth full of the pancakes.

I laugh.

After we'd both finished up Louis insisted on doing the washing up although we have a dish washer.

"I've got to get going soon, sorry Louis"

"Can't I come with you, what are you doing?"

"I've got a few work things so you can't sorry" I lied, I think that was a pretty good lie to say I had to think of it on the spot.

"Oh okay, well comes to think of it I have a few things to do as well, but we will spend the day together tomorrow make sure you are ready to go quite early."

"Okay that's fine, clothes, a bikini, towel, drinks... anything else we need?"

"Um some money and suncream and I think we will be good"

"Okay great, i'll see you later have a good day" I blow him a kiss and exit out the door. And the secret shopping now starts.

I thought selfridges on Oxford street would be my best bet, i've saved up enough money from working with Sadie to get him a nice gift. I'm not saying it needs to be expensive but I thought i'd treat him, but this boy would be happy with anything you could give him a plastic bottle and he'd be grateful for it.

I entered selfridges and as soon as I walked in I knew what clientele they pick up. Looking through all the shop windows you could see the handbags, coats, hats, jewellery all neatly laid out. These shops were different to your typical ones they were more bare. I looked into one shop window and noticed a beautiful silver chain bracelet. It was perfect. I could see Louis wearing it already and he was definitely a silver type of guy and this can be confirmed by his silver chain that he never takes off. I walked in and was already greeted by a staff member dressed very smartly.

"Hi welcome to Prada can I help you?" the lady had a subtle french accent which made me feel like this place was even fancier than what i thought.

"Hi I'm interested in the men's silver chain bracelet that you have in your window" I smiled.

"Okay you can stand over by the counter over there and we can show it you in more detail." She smiled and walked to where the bracelet was while i headed back over to the counter.

She soon approached again holding the bracelet before carefully placing it on the fabric mat laid neatly on the counter top.

"Would you like to try?" She asked holding the bracelet up for me.

"Oh no no it's for my boyfriend" I chucked.

"Ah, i'm sorry. This makes a perfect gift though."

"It appears it would do, do you do engraving for these by any chance?" 

"Unfortunately we do not but we see a lot of clients wanting engraving for their jewellery and just around the corner from here there's an engraving shop which we thoroughly recommend."

"Okay great thank you, i'll take the bracelet then."

"Great, you can follow me"

I followed her round to the tills where she carefully wrapped the bracelet and placed it in a black jewellery box with "PRADA" written in silver across the top.

"The total is £250"

I tapped my card and just like that the bracelet was mine, she handed it over.

"I hope your boyfriend likes it"

"I'm sure he will, thank you have a nice day" I replied

Perfect the main gift is sorted now I just need to get it engraved. My idea is to get some stars engraved onto the plate it has in the middle the stars are a little reminder of our relationship since he asked me to be his girlfriend under all the stars, the one night the sky was all clear.

I got to the engraving shop and he told me to come back in half an hour so i wondered around a bit looking in all the shop windows as if I had money to spend. I checked my phone 1:15 should be done now so I headed back towards the engraving shop.

The man showed me the bracelet that had been engraved.

"Oh my god I love it, thank you so much"

"ah you are welcome i'm glad you like it"

He wrapped it all back in the box and gift bag and I headed back home. At least louis gift was all sorted now, no more worrying about that, his other gift was on its way in the mail but it should be coming in time.

 At least louis gift was all sorted now, no more worrying about that, his other gift was on its way in the mail but it should be coming in time

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He is mad boy, the beach he chose better be a good one if i have to wake up at 5:30 to be ready.

My best friend's brother // Louis Partridge Where stories live. Discover now