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It has been eight days since that day. Seven days since Namor warned Shuri of his army coming and one day after Shuri announced the peace made between Wakanda and Talokan. Yet, something about the peace was unsettling to say.

But at this moment in time, it was a night to just relax with no worries on my mind. To feel the warm waves of the ocean washed all around my feet as I sat on the shores. As the peace treaty was created, he made it his mission to visit me and simply watch me underwater if I was perched on a rock or half of his head would rise from the water watching me as I laid down on my back.

I guess today was different.

Instead of lying down on the beach or sitting on the rock, I simply decided to sit on the bank of the waters. The very place, Shuri described where she first Namor.

Though this was a completely different location, he knew exactly where I was. Solitude these days were hard to come by.

His eyes were focused on me as he slowly emerged from the depths. His muscles flexing and glistening wet from the waters below. His hair slicked down to his gorgeous sun-kissed skin, and his signature large gold and jade neck plate took up the most space -glinting across his pecs; yet, there were some faint cuts and bruises littered across his body. The achromatic wings on his ankles weren't fluttering in the air. In fact, there was a very nasty wound on his ankle was an indicator of his state and yet through his eyes. He was enchanted.

But why would he be enthralled?

He soon took it upon himself to turn around to sit beside me. From his actions of turning around, I was able to see how badly his back had been scolded. I guess I will never want to get on Shuri's bad side if she was able to find a simple weakness of Namor.

"How did you know?" He questioned

"I didn't, but I needed Shuri to make that judgment for dealing with you herself as I knew her rage was a bit sporadic," I responded.

"Now we are at peace," Namor answered.

"Yet, something tells me that isn't the case," I responded back, "I don't know what your ulterior motives are; but do know if she or Wakanda is put in a line of danger by you as before, I will end Talokan and then I will end you."

He didn't say anything. He simply laid his eyes on me as if he was paralyzed.

"Don't worry," Namor mentioned, "I know you mean true to your words-but we should focus on the treaty between our nations."

"As should you," I responded, "You should focus on the casualty that you had suffered and mourn the loss of the ones fighting for this senseless conflict."

"This wasn't senseless," Namor urged, "the atrocities of humans when they took the land of my mother is the reason for me to take violent action. My mother's people became slaves, treated poorly beyond anything I have ever seen. So, I killed them all, burning everything to the ground and killing everyone-"

"Did that event from your past aggravated your hatred towards surface beings?" I asked, "But that doesn't mean you have to spend your days being victim to other's imperfections and faults- instead of being filled with hate you could have been a hero and given humans a fresh and beautiful perspective-have them hold their own power and fight against their enemies; not make humanity your enemy-you are not the judge, jury, and executioner of the human world, El Niño sin Amor."

"So you are saying I should let me people suffer at the hands of humans!" Namor yelled, "It was Wakanda's fault for showing the potential of vibranium! So much so that they created a contraption! If they got their hands on what they found and reported what they show, my people's lives would have been in danger!"

"I understand that and I probably would have done the same for what they did," I mentioned, "However, your actions after are the issue. To give a proposal to the late queen and Shuri in offering an alliance to Wakanda to turn back their back on their own alliance to join your cause to burn the outside world was an absurd thought."

"We just started the treaty agreement, you shouldn't worry anymore," Namor assured, "Instead, let's focus on the present and our future."


Throughout the days and weeks, he made it his mission to sit beside when whenever I appeared at the beach. Even though we are still two separate individuals residing in two countries, he made the effort and time out of his day to sit beside me and share his stories. His duties to his citizens.

Yet, when he questioned me, I only remained silent after letting him know directly that even though the treaty was in place, I didn't trust him and probably could only trust him if he is dead at this point of this nearly-found alliance.

When I said that and turned towards him, he only looked directly into my eyes not sharing any type of shock or anger towards my words. His eyes only bore into mine as if he was boring his soul into my very being. From his stares, the malicious intent he came toward her during our first time meeting had decimated.

"Then I will prove to you that my alliance with Wakanda is genuine,yaakunaj," Namor  said , "As my desire to know more about you and to really know if you are like me?"

"There he goes saying that word once again."

"I am not a mutant like yourself," I replied, "Given your intellect on the human world, you can say I am similar to Thor on levels of being a demi-god. My mother is a water god who had a relationship with M'Baku's father. I only learned about my abilities when I met Thor. He was able to share with me my background and brought me to his home planet where I was able to gain knowledge and training -all of which happened through T'challa-my best friend.

"A Demi-god, the power displayed is similar to that of a god-" Namor mumbled as he was processing the information while observing me before closing his eyes and shifting his attention towards the river , "My mother and her tribe were born human, living on the surface world where they thrived greatly. Then, one by one, they fall ill. Strong men would grow frail and die. Children barely reach the age of maturity, dying in the arms of their mothers and fathers. Their tribe was stricken with a sickness brought in by the colonists. As a final resort, the tribe shaman sought help from the gods, seeking for a cure for their ailment. The gods gave him signs, which it led him to a water hole. The Shaman found a blue plant beneath the water hole and made a cure for the tribe. The plant alleviated the sickness but it left them with a gift. A gift you see before you," He paused, "At that time, my mother bore me. Despite her wishes not to consume the plant, the shaman had begged her to do so, foreseeing that the child would not survive if she did not consume the plant. So, she did. I was the firstborn son of Talokan, a hybrid that gave me powers beyond anything imaginable. I was a mutant; however, my mother, over time, grew sick. She couldn't bear the thought that she could not live on the surface anymore. She longed for it. She died not long after and as per her wishes, I buried her on her land...you know the rest from there" He paused again, looking at me in the eyes.

"Given the events that have passed and your persistence in being by my side during my time of solitude, do you still have no love for the surface world?"

He only continued to observe me as I remained focused on the waters before me. Namor rises from his seated position causing me to turn my head to see him retreating back to the depths below.

"Will you be returning here or on the beach tomorrow?" He asked, deflecting the question of some sort.

"Depends on how I feel," I responded.

Namor only smiled and pulled out a conch and places the shell in my hand, "when you come back on the beach, call me and I will come shortly after, I want to know more about you before I answer your question."

Con La Brisa-Namor/K'uk'ulkan-Black Panther Wakanda ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now