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6:00 pm
They all say "she's perfect", "I want her", "she can't be ill" and more. But I am not actually what you think I am. I am named Alyssa Claires or if you know me you would most call me "her". I am 16 years old and mentally ill. I have trust issues and angry issues. My mom died when i was 4, so 12 years ago. My dad, he is alcoholic and crazy. I live at my grandma's house because I got removed out of my dad's "arms" we could say. For now, if he doesn't stop his alcoholism, he doesn't have the right to see me because he could hurt me like he did before. My grandmother is the only person I could stay in this world for. She's my whole world. She is so sweet and caring. She looks just like my mom but in a older version. I sadly think of my mom everyday.
"That stupid car crash" I said in my head
She died in a car crash. My dad was driving and he was a little bit tipsy, he feels like it was his fault. that's why he's always drunk, he misses her like I do.
- Dinner's ready! Said my grandmother.
My grandmother name is Anastasia Marie Claires. She is 70 years old and she is sportive, shes the one to motivate me of going out of my bed. I actually got to go eating. I'll come back.
~after eating~

i am not okay.

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