Lion and Lamb

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Disclaimer: This book is from one of my other accounts. I figured that switching it over to this account would be much easier. Seeing as how most of my stories are on this one it just made more sense to me. But anyway on with the story. The picture above is a reference photo of what Mercy looks like. Also all pictures are from Google or Pinterest I don't own ANY of these photos.

Some people move for jobs, others move because they want to leave their past behind, but I just wanted to move for a change of scenery. I think it would give me some excitement in my life just to get out of this rear view mirror town. I'm leaving West Virginia today and moving down to the outskirts of Atlanta. I found the perfect farmhouse in my price range and contacted the seller immediately.

After the purchase agreement was in place and 3 weeks of packing I was ready to go. I threw my boxes in the back seat of my 77' Ford F-250 and the rest went in the bed of the truck. I helped my dad load up my four-wheeler in his truck, my ATV in my brothers truck, and my mattress in my other brothers truck. "Daddy can you help me load up this last box," I asked trying not to throw my back out. "Yeah honey don't go throwin yer damn back out now," he said in his gruff southern voice.

"Yeah Mercy leave that to your boyfriend for when you get to Atlanta," my older brother Nick teased. "Hey listen here you best shut your mouth before you get a fat lip," I seethed trying to go after him. My older brother Cody and my dad Jerry held me back from him. "Come on you little spit fire let's go before you tear his face off," Cody said. "Nicholas Colt Miller if you don't stop patronizing your sister I'm gonna let her beat the shit outta you," my father hissed.

"Ooo he said the full name, you best quit your shit Nick," Cody laughed.

Cody and Nick were pretty big and buff dudes. Both of them were 6'2 and built like they took steroids on the daily. Course Cody was a bit more fluffy but still you get the point. Both are deathly afraid of spiders with egos as big as a hot air balloon. Then again they were scared of anything with more than four legs.

My dad was also a big dude to but after a few years of retirement those abs turned into a beer belly. But he's still kicking as if he's in his 20's again. He was a diesel mechanic for Mac but before that he was in the military. Normally he'd work on their helicopters and planes with the occasional MRAP thrown in there. He loved the job but he made the decision to give those working hands a rest.

I got my genes from my momma though, Mrs. Carry-Ann Miller. She was a fairly short lady 5'0 at the most. She had the most beautiful baby blue eyes and long blonde hair. Her personality was sweet like candy but get her fired up and she'd be like a tornado. She's passed on now but I still carry her wherever I go.


I was about five hours into my drive when I pulled into an Amoco to use the bathroom, get gas, and get some food. After two minutes of trying to figure out what snack I wanted I grabbed a sweet tea and headed for the truck. Soon after I pumped my gas we were back on the road. The next five hours consisted of me jamming out to George Strait and Shania Twain and looking like crazy person while doing it. But eventually we pulled into the dirt road that lead to my new house.

"You guys brought your cots right," I asked them. "Yep I packed em' up so Nick didn't forget to," Cody answered. "Hey I don't forget all the time," Nick whined. "Nick I love you son but you'd forget yer head if it wasn't attached to yer shoulders," dad joked. Nick gave up arguing and walked out to the truck.

We all started to get the boxes put in the house and my ATV and four-wheeler unloaded. After a couple hours of unloading it got dark and I decided that it was time to hit they hay. "Alright y'all thanks for helping me today but I think I'm gonna turn in for the night," I yawned out. I gave them all a hug before heading up the stairs and changing. Once my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Jerry's POV

It was gonna be hard to let my baby leave the nest but even harder to let her leave the state she grew up in. But at some point I knew I was gonna have to let her go. "So you think she's gonna make it through down here dad," Nick asked. "I think she'll be just fine Nick she made it this far in life," I replied. "What if something happens and we ain't there," Cody asked. "Now don't go puttin' thoughts in my head son," I answered.

"I'm just saying there's a possibility that she could need us and we ain't here to help," Cody said. "Now I understand that but Mercy can hold her own," I told him. "She's was independent coming out of the womb, you gotta remember that Cody," Nick put in. "I know that Nick but she's my baby sister I still worry," Cody said. "Like I said I think she'll be just fine," I told them. "Alright I'm going to bed night boys," I said. "Night dad," they answered in unison.


Mercy's POV

My alarm went off in the early morning hours (more like 10 a.m. but still). I put on some Jack David boot-cut jeans a tank top and my boots and got to work on putting my bed frame together. After about an hour of trying I finally got it together then came putting the clothes in my closet.

At the end of the day we got all of the rooms together. All there is now is beds for the two other rooms and some necessities for the second bathroom. "Hey Cody," I yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah," he called back to me. "Can you grab the other box that I left in my truck," I asked.

"I'm on it," he replied.

We all walked into the dining room and sat at the table talking. "So are y'all headed back tonight or are yins stayin' again," I asked. "Well actually we just came in to say goodbye Cody and Nick got work to do in the barn," my dad replied. "Alright well I'll let y'all get to it," I said. We all stood up to say our goodbyes and I walked them out to their trucks.

"You gonna be alright all by yourself down here," my dad asked. "Yes daddy I promise and if I need anything you'll be the first I call," I replied back. "Ok well I best get going be safe now ya hear," he stated. "We love you Mercy," my brothers said in unison. "I love you too doofuses," I said.


After a few hours of sitting at the table I decided that I was in serious need of groceries. So I headed out to my truck and found a store nearby. I sped off down the dirt road and took a right. Soon enough I was pulling into the parking lot of a Dollar General Market. I was looking for some milk when I bumped into someone's side.

"Oh sorry 'bout that I should have looked up," I apologized. "It's no problem at all sugar tits," he replied. "Excuse me didn't your daddy ever teach you any manners," I seethed. "Well that's my bad pretty lady, names Merle Dixon," he chuckled.

Merle Dixon... why does that name sound familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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