Hey, Wanna Fucking Play?

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NOVEMBER 11th, 2018

It was a sunny afternoon and Gwen, Christopher (nicknamed Chris) and Finney were in the living room, watching Ghostbusters, as well as playing on their iPhones. "Hey, Finney?" Chris rotated his head to Finney. "Y-Yeah?" Finney looked... scared. It was only three days after robin got kidnapped.

"Do you ever think-" Before Chris could finish, a package came, their dad wasn't home, so since Chris had experience from the chucky attack, he bravely opened the door to find a Good Guy sized package.

Chris brought it inside, shut the door with his leg and placed it down. "What do you think it could be?" Gwen was confused, but filled with excitement too, "I don't know... could be a porcelain doll for you, Gwen!" Chris said with excitement, he opened it up with a knife he got from the kitchen... "Oh my fucking god." It was a good guy doll. Chris was scared, angry, and felt so much emotions. "GET THAT FUCKING TORTURE AWAY!", Finney picked it up... "Hi, I'm chucky, and I'm your friend, til the end! Hahaha~".

Chris ran to his room and locked it, Finney ignored it, put it with Gwen's doll collection, and continued to play something Robin would definitely play.

November 12th, 2018

Gwen, Chris, and Finney packed for school, Chris decided to grab the chucky doll, and stared at it to try to lower his fear and trauma, and decided to bring it to school, since he thought it was another doll. "Freak!" "Loser" 3 boys shouted to him while he was holding the doll, time skip to after school, they were walking home and Gwen and Finney decided to run home.

A few seconds later, Chris encountered a black van, and saw a mysterious, pennywise looking creep popped out, he somehow dropped his stuff, whilst making a weird ass noise. "Well, hello there!" The mysterious man said in shock. "Hi, I gotta go home now." Chris almost got away but the mysterious man grabbed him, along with the doll and drove off.

Chris' pov:
I woke up on some nasty ass mattress, and this crusty, dusty ass man walks  up to me.

"Hey there." He said in a deep voice, "what the hell do you want?" I wanted to fucking stab him.


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