I Regret Walking Home

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NOVEMBER 13th, 2018

"I made you some breakfast." The Grabber surprisingly said, I didn't expect him to bring me breakfast... "Where's your doll?" I looked behind me... and it wasn't there, "I don't know, I didn't move it, now can I have my motherfucking food?" I was very hungry, he placed it down, shut the door (surprisingly didn't lock it.) and walked upstairs.

"Nice going, Chucky." I knew he was staring at me, "How did you know?" He replied, "Cause I can see you right now." I rotated to face his direction, and walked towards him and crouched down. "Why'd you kill my family?" I wasn't scared, and definitely not happy. "Because I wanted to." He did that psychotic laugh. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I grabbed him and threw him to the ground, until he got up and punched me... then I heard the door opening.

I immediately grabbed the doll and ran to the mattress. "I know you're scared and you want to go home." The Grabber knew that I did want to go home. "Yes I do, you dumb ass bitch." I already knew the grabber wasn't scared of me... but... maybe he could be scared of Chucky? "Boy, tell me your name, then I'll let you go." If I told him my name then he'd kidnap me again if I left, I tried to think of a random name but I decided to go for my enemies name. "Charles, Charles Lee Ray" I was stupid enough to say that since I forgot he was famous, "Aww, don't try to use famous serial killers names, they won't work." he was angry that I didn't tell him my real name. "Then you tell me yours." I wasn't scared, but not brave as well, then he responded; "Albert Shaw."

I thought I recognized that name, then he walked out and shut the door, But didn't lock it. I decided to open the door, but... a phone rang, a black phone. I decided to ignore it and walk upstairs with chucky just in case something happened. I continue to walk upstairs until I see a shirtless Grabber. "You ready, Chucky?" "Well no shit!" We stood in front of the grabber, and he stood up. "You've been a very naughty boy." I wasn't scared cause I had chucky. "Well maybe because you're a fucking pedophile, you whore." Then, Chucky revealed himself, pulling a knife from his overalls, "Hey, Wanna Fucking Play?" Albert was completely surprised. "How the hell?" Chucky tried to gut him be Albert kicked him, then ran over to me, but I dodged his attack and ran for the knives. He grabbed me (pun intended) and tried to beat me with that fucking belt until I grabbed it.

"I hope you realize that my friend is Charles Lee Ray." And I kicked him in the balls, grabbed chucky and tried to break the window with a knife, and I did! Until he grabbed me and threw me in the basement, and chucky was thrown too. He shut and locked the door. I was physically injured and that's when Chucky had a great idea. "Maybe I could add a part of my soul to yours." And I looked at him... "If it helps me, then sure." I was happy but sad at the same time, I'm never see Finney, Gwen, or my Aunt Nica.


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