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Nazzu changed and joined the others in the pool. Nads and Amy helped the kids to get out of the swimming pool. The young children went to there mothers in order to have their meals. Muna's and Ats' mothers decided to stay as guardians while the others checked on their daughters and left. Little did they know how immensely endangered their lives were. Alas, it was Nads' and Amy's turn to dive into the water. Nads nudged Amy to go in first. But then decided to go for it together. They held their hands and jumped into the clear blue water. Everyone cheered with joy. Soon, all of them indulged in playing. Imaan and Farru were still arguing about the underwear. Hajra was busy doing what she did best ,that is, preaching both of them to stop fighting. Nads, Amy, Nazzu and Muna splashed water on ATM. Meanwhile, Ats sometimes behaved normally but she would stay silent for short intervals. Everyone was too occupied to notice her strange behaviour.

"People of the resort" Muna yelled after standing on the edge of the pool.

But no one payed attention.

Amy climbed out of the water and stood by Muna. "All of you brainless people of the resort" she shouted and waved her hand. Each girl paused and looked at Amy. "That makes you brainless too" Taha mocked. "Just to attain your concentration" Amy replied and smugged. "We have to announce something" Muna upheld. "The way you both are standing and announcing this, the only conclusion we can figure out is that you both are getting married" Hajra commented and laughed. Imaan guffawed. "Lame" Nads responded and rolled her eyes. "No! Either of you is having a a baby?" Aisha asked. Everyone burst into laughter. Amy and Muna rolled their eyes. "The underwear was floating around you Aisha. I'm afraid you'll be giving that news to us" Amy teased Aisha and gave Muna a high five.

"Huh" Aisha exclaimed. "So, as I was about to say we're going to start a war. This portion of the pool belongs to those who are with us and the other half is for ATM and their supporters. Rules are that they're aren't any. Please follow them strictly" Muna informed soberly. "On the count of three, you people will be approaching the area according to your chocie. In case you fail to reach the desired portion, you will be considered from the team on whose side you ceased to move. All clear?" Amy continued what Muna told. All the girls began deciding that on whose side they should be. Muna jumped back into the water. Amy stood in the same position and started the countdown. "One"Amy yelled.

All the girls struggled to reach their chosen side. Hajra was pushed by Farru on the ATM's side while Hajra angrily pulled her towards the same side.

"Two" Amy trailed on.

Muna, Nads and Ats were already on the chosen side. Aisha and Mussu were on the wrong edge. They rushed to Taha who was in the correct position. "Move fast you fattie" Mussu mocked Aisha. "I'm moving. You take care of yourself skeleton" Aisha taunted annoyingly. Some how both of them reached the other end. Nazzu was in the midst. She hurried towards the end where Muna was.

"Three" Amy approached the end of the countdown and dived into the pool.

"Yeah" everyone rejoiced.

Soon the war began. All of them threw water and other harmless objects at each other. Muna threw a rubber tube which fitted around Mussa's neck. Aisha propelled a punctured ball which hit Nads in the face. Nads angrily tossed it aimlessly and it smacked Taha's head. Hajra and Farru shoved water in large amounts towards the opposite side, using buckets and bottles. Mussu grabbed one of the bottles and aimed it at Amy who had hit her with a sock. But instead of hitting Amy it striked the wall and returned in the same direction like a boomerang. "Aisha" Mussu cautioned but it was too late. "Whose side are you on?" Aisha asked with irritation. "Your" Mussu answered weakly. "Then hit them or do nothing" she advised Mussu.

Meanwhile, no one noticed that Imaan had been struggling at the midst of the pool. She didn't reach either of the sides. The stuff came flying and smacked her or the water current kept on almost drowning her.

"Girls" Imaan shouted. "Whose side am I on?" Imaan managed to ask while spitting the water in her mouth.

"Uh" Exclaimed Muna and Aisha reluctantly. "Ours" both the teams claimed together. "No ,Ours" Hajra reclaimed. Girls from the both sides rushed and pulled Imaan into their area. A moment ago, no one even knew where she was and later they were fighting for her. Imaan was swaying between the two rivals. When finally, Ats pushed Imaan to ATM's area. "Why?" Muna asked Ats. "Just" Ats reasoned and moved an old rubber tube towards Muna. Again, they indulged in playing.

Hajra climbed out of the water and grabbed a few water balloons from her bag. They filled them with water and tossed them on the playtime foes. Nads collected the balloons which didn't burst. "I have some in my bag" Muna told Amy. "Okay. I'll get them" Amy agreed and climbed on the edge of the pool unnoticed.

ATM's team ran out of balloons. "Aisha, more" Taha asked Aisha. "Nothing left. We used all of them" Farru conveyed the bad news. "Throw Imaan's then" Aisha said out of frustration. "What? I'll throw you Aisha" Imaan threatened Aisha and both of them quarrelled.

"Mutiny" Muna yelled. Nads joined Muna "dont burst the balloons". Imaan and Aisha continued fighting. Hajra and Farru struggled to keep them apart.

Meanwhile, Amy searched for the bag. She looked everywhere. Then suddenly something caught her eye. Muna's bag was on the table near the door of the girls' room. Amy ran to it and pulled out the packet of water balloons.

She turned and saw some one move. She gulped and ambled forward. She heard some rustling. A loud thud followed.

Ats' creepy behaviour and the long haired girl in the room highlighted Amy's mind. She sensed something unusual. She thought that it'd be unsafe to stay there for longer or to pursue the source of the noise. She then heard distant laughter. Her instincts insisted her to reunite with her troop.

Without a second thought she sprinted back to the pool. While running her foot got stuck in the plastic chair and she tripped. The noises got louder and she heard footsteps. She struggled and freed her leg while consistently keeping out an eye on the surroundings. She got up on her feet and ran with the packet of balloons in her hand. Huffing and panting she reached the pool. "Girls" she called out of breath. Her gaze was at the floor as her respiration was on an eminently high rate.

"There is somethi.." she stopped in mid sentence when her vision shifted to the water.

To her surprise no one was in the pool.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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