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"Ano.... Satorou-nii, I have something to say..." Yn tugged her foster brother's sleeve, an awkward smile on her beautiful face.

"Yes, Yn-chan?" he smiled at her warmly, surprising everyone in the room. Yuuji almost dropped the box of folded paper given to him and Inumaki almost choked on his zipper. And Utahime, well, she almost slammed her head against a wall.

"I don't really know how to play baseball..." Yn whispered but everyone could hear due to the room's heavy silence. The Tokyo students and even some Kyoto students internally awed at her adorable face.

"Don't worry, Yn-chan, I have a special job for you," Gojo assured, patting her head like he usually does. "Be sure to get ready for it, mkay?"

 "Be sure to get ready for it, mkay?"

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The girls were in the locker rooms, changing into sports attire. Yn had just entered the place after a quick shower, her hair down and reaching below her hips now, a towel resting on her head and one wrapped around her.

"Geez, I was right," one of the Kyoto students remarked haughtily. "You really are ugly and obese."

"eEH? WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Nobara and Maki both simultaneously spoke up whilst Yn stood there with dotted eyes, dumbfounded at the short haired lady's comment.

"Mai-san's right though, no fault in saying the truth now," the blonde next to Mai added with a simple shrug, putting on her shoe.

"You shut up, shortie!" Nobara snapped, causing Momo to glare at her.

"Mai, I'll tolerate you badmouthing me," Maki took her glasses off, her composure shaken and teeth gritted. "But I won't stand back and let your dirty mouth yapper shit about my friends."

"Oh my, are you really fessing over a disgusting old hag such as her?" Mai drawled out, sarcastically smiling at her twin. "But I guess it's understandable, since you're wrinkly face would be the perfect match for her."

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