pt 1

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If you are wondering where the prologue is the answer is that you got a descriptive description so ya

(Shuri POV except not her)

It was a eventful day. The last of the repairs to the throne room had been completed and Business could continue on as usual. They finally had the rededication ceremony for it, and as soon as Shuri walked inside, she had clearly mixed emotions. She was happy because the throne was fixed and she had somewhere to sit. Along with this, she would become Queen. But, the room also gave her bad emotions. She pictured her mom again lying dead into the water in the same room. She wished she would have asked for new floors. Maybe she could try to repave the bad memories over with new and hopefully better ones. First they dedicated the throne room, then, she had a half hour to get ready for the ceremony, and as soon as she left to give to her room to get ready, her stomach was in knots, and she felt nauseous. Then again, M'Baku brought some crazy food no one knew what was called. You never know.

(Namor pov )

Life is confusing. I really start to wonder what life would be like had I not tried multiple times to kill the Williams girl. Maybe me and Shuri would still be on speaking terms. Maybe we would be more. When we were in the cave after the tour, I kept calling her Princess. I really wanted to call her My Princess. Better yet, My Queen. I really do miss her. I feel that each day goes by that I deal with the pain from my actions, I only grow weaker. I need a good cry. But I feel I can't. I feel that all my people are watching, and they would feel strange seeing their ruler cry. They look up to me so I must improve my image. I started to imagine, what would it be like if I didn't do anything wrong and I let the William's kid stay in Wakanda forever. Maybe our people could blend. I have no clue as to how this would happen. But, somehow. Someway it would. I think that I just may talk to Shuri and correct this matter to the best I can.

I think I know how I really feel about her.

I love her.

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