So I started earlier and I feel good so maybe this will be long? Ima do 1000+ words cuz the last one was like 970 or smthn.Yuh anyway back to story
(Shuri Pov)
What?What did he mean by that?? Well actually I know the Anwser to that already. But... this is still heavy. And weird. But out of all of the emotions I feel right now, right here,I feel safe. I hate to admit it but I think I've a clear idea of how I feel about him. I think...
I think I love him.
Why did I blurt that out? I feel that it wouldn't even be best for my people, because the last time they were here, it was to fight. To fight the natives at that. I mean, this doesn't do anything bad to our ally ship. In fact, it would strengthen it. Maybe we need that. It would also strengthen us. Shuri and I.
I look back at shuri to see what her face may tell about what I said. She looks deep in thought. She looks happy. I think people always look best when they are truly happy. But... she looks beyond her best. She looks beautiful. I don't even know if words could describe how beautiful she is.
And with her somewhat exposed like this, I can see her full body which also looks great. But, I also see a faint mark on her abdomen. I know where that was from. Looking back, there was no reason why the Williams girl could not have stayed in Wakanda for life. But... I don't know why I insisted on a war. Maybe for a break. A change. Something different.
Then I saw her. That was my difference. But I obviously did that the wrong way. I'm happy at how this is going now. I'm glad I got another chance. I look back at Shuri to see if she will at least tell me what she thinks about. When I look I see that her back is turned and I hear light snoring. I double check to make sure she is asleep. I figure I may as well leave as Namora will already chew me out for leaving so long without telling her where.
I look for some pen and paper. I would rather leave her a note or something so that way, she isn't left alone deal with all this alone. I tell her I still have more I need to tell her but she fell asleep and I figured she needs it. I told her the offer still stands and to blow on the shell I gave her mother when she decides. I slip out of the window and into the river. It's going to be a long night.
I wake up to see that the sky is a pretty shade of orange and yellow and purple. Then everything that happened last night hits me. I look around to if Namor is still here. He isn't. But there is a note in my hands from him. He says he still has more time say and that his offer still stands. Offer?
That's when I remember the whole UN thing and how he offered talukn's help to win the war that the world is making with us. I feel anxious of course because of the fact I may have to start preparing for a war. But also because I remember how close we were last night. I don't even remember how we ended up in my bed. I realise now that I didn't really have a shirt on. Maybe that's why he was flushed. I thought he just needed some water or something.
I walk out of bed and head to my closet. I pick out a simple purple and gold outfit.I head to the bathroom to take a shower. I smell so much like him. The ocean and something sweet. I'm not sure what the sweet smell is but it smells great.
I finish my shower and when I get out I still smell faintly of him. I decided to head to the lab first, because I need to think about his offer. I know it seems good, but I have to think about my people. Most of them, to my knowledge, hate Namor and the people of Talukn. I understand why. But I understand to forgive and that is helpful.
In the end, I decide to take him up on his offer. Just as I walk out, a alarm sounds. I realize it as the intruder alert alarm. This is dangerous and strange mostly because you can not get past the border with the technology that the world has. I ask griot what's happened. I run to put on my black panther necklace and turn on the suit.
I head to the borders and things are ugly. There is a rarely large group of people outside with guns and mean faces. One of them is woman. She is screaming to the gatekeeper to let her in. Then she asks if they speak English witch is funny because most people speak English in Wakanda. I really find out just how big this group is once I get close enough. It is much bigger than all the Dora and guards combined. I brought the shell just in case which was smart. I blow on it and put it in one of the streams. When I do not even a minute later, Namor emerges. He asks how I am doing and what all these people are doing outside. I tell him I'm trying to find out myself. I also tell him that I accept his offer. I tell him we may need the help for that many people.
I was a bit taken aback when she said yes. But I was happy because it meant we could spend more time together. However, every ones train of thought was disrupted when some threw a grenade that went through the border. That is the last thing I remember.
Ooo cliff hanger yet I feel tired now but I wrote like 1000+ words which is good. Anyway bye I hope you enjoy I m actually surprised at how many people have already read this but hey I ain't complaining
Choice [Shuri X Namor](completed)
RomanceSPOLIERS So I know I'm really bad at following through on my promises, but I was disappointed and kind of let down by the lack of content this ship has. So, because I can write stuff (which I just now remembered) I am going to provide more for this...