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As we walk outside, it's strange, because the Trespassers stick out like sore thumbs. They look scared, frightened, confused. The list goes on. But, the Dora and the Toalkon seem to be enjoying this. When we made our game plan, we wanted to kill or severely injure quite a bit if them. It would make the impression I hope, to stay away from us. I can see here that clearly it is under control. But I want you know who is coordinating this attack. Then, we could certainly stop this "fighting".


My mind is trying to focus on keeping Shuri safe, but I'm also thinking about something else. What would it be like if we merged, and wakanda and Talokan were one? How would that even work? There is one answer I wouldn't mind saying yes to. Joining by marriage. I would love to make her my wife. I plan on asking her. But after all this when I can plan it. I am broken out of my thoughts when Shuri tells to come on. She is boarding a plane. I wonder what it's for. I ask her, and she tells me she is going to get an aerial view to see if she can find where the camp for the soldiers is at.

We spend about 15 minutes looking for it and then we notice a clear camp. These people are idiots. We spend a few more minutes in the air to see if this is a trick of any sort. They may be weak, and they may be idiots. But they are not stupid. We put the plane in camouflage mode and head in. I rember being hit with something. I hear Namor scream my name. Suddenly I am woken up with water. I see a old German man. He looks like he could be in charge of everything. He sure smells like it too. I realize that I am tied up with ropes. It was not at all hard untying them, and I realise that Namor is here to. He looks unconscious but I see his hands actively trying to untie the rope. He does it with much ease and then he tries to untie my ropes but I already have. He opens his eyes and acts as If he just woke up. We exchange glances, getting ready to attack together when someone comes in the room that makes me stop.

Oo look a cliffhanger

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